windows XP Desktop



On my windows XP machine, I cant change my desktop, when I right click on my
desktop and open the Desktop tab the blue back ground that is the one there
now, but don’t allow me to change it, try to select any other background it
wont respond, how can I change this. can some one help me with this problem?

Thank you,


Ollakal said:
On my windows XP machine, I cant change my desktop, when I right click
on my desktop and open the Desktop tab the blue back ground that is
the one there now, but don’t allow me to change it, try to select any
other background it wont respond, how can I change this. can some one
help me with this problem?

I don't see how this is a networking problem, but:

1. First make sure the computer is completely virus/malware-free:

2. If you are quite sure the machine is clean, go to the Display applet
in Control Panel and look on the Desktop tab. Click on Customize
Desktop, and then click on the Web tab. You will see that there are
checkmarks next to "My Current Home Page" and probably "Lock Desktop
Items". Uncheck these, Apply/OK out. If you can't enable desktop
backgrounds after a virus, MVP Kelly Theriot has a fix. Look under
Wallpaper-Desktop-Disable Changing here:

If Display tabs are missing, run Kelly's registry edit on line 285,
right-hand side "Restore all display tabs".



Ollakal said:
sorry my bad, I post the quistion on the wrong group.

I am sorry.

That's OK. Since you were here, I gave you the answer. Try it and if you
have further questions you might as well keep in this thread. I saw
that you multiposted in xp.general and told you to come back here since
this is where we started.



This is a new laptop, once I installed
windows xp, after that the problem, it looks like some policy or local
security is blocked the option to change the desktop and screen saver. I cant
make any change uner the Desktop or Screen saver tabs.


Ollakal said:
This is a new laptop, once I installed
windows xp, after that the problem, it looks like some policy or local
security is blocked the option to change the desktop and screen saver.
I cant make any change uner the Desktop or Screen saver tabs.

These things don't happen all by themselves. Is this a machine on a
domain? If so, talk to your IT Dept. because they have set some policy
to disable this function.

If this is a home machine, then look at these keys using regedit:

Check to see if these Registry entries exist:

If "GroupPolicyRefreshTime" and/or "GroupPolicyRefreshTimeOffset" are
there, then delete them.

HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System. If
"GroupPolicyRefreshTime" and/or "GroupPolicyRefreshTimeOffset" are
there, then delete them and then run the reg fix from Kelly's page.

For inability to change wallpaper after malware, here is another key:

Bogus values will be set to 0. Delete or set to 1.


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