Windows XP Activation



I had to format my hard drive & reinstall Windows XP, now it wants me to
activate. When i try, it says my Product ID is invalid. How do I correct


I had to format my hard drive & reinstall Windows XP, now it wants me to
activate. When i try, it says my Product ID is invalid. How do I correct

Upon further investigation, I realized that the machine that I formatted,
had Windows XP Home edition on it. I had installed a copy of Windows XP Pro
with embedded SP2, PLEASE don't tell me that I have to reformat all over
again. I took me 3 days just to get this one back the way I like it. I am
on dialup. The Product Key is for XP Home. I can't even find that cd

Jim Macklin

You need to use a PK for the XP Pro CD you used. There
should be a popup window with a phone number to call MS and
get a new key. You'll need some proof that you have a legal
XP Pro CD. Otherwise you'll need to buy a license. I am
wondering, did somebody slipstream a pirated copy for you?

The people think the Constitution protects their rights;
But government sees it as an obstacle to be overcome.

|I had to format my hard drive & reinstall Windows XP, now
it wants me to
| activate. When i try, it says my Product ID is invalid.
How do I correct
| this?
| Upon further investigation, I realized that the machine
that I formatted,
| had Windows XP Home edition on it. I had installed a copy
of Windows XP Pro
| with embedded SP2, PLEASE don't tell me that I have to
reformat all over
| again. I took me 3 days just to get this one back the way
I like it. I am
| on dialup. The Product Key is for XP Home. I can't even
find that cd
| anymore.


No, I just grabbed the wrong cd, I have several computers.. and I believe
that because it had SP2, I thought I could save a step and use it. Guess I
was wrong.

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