Windows will not load



I am not sure if I have a Windows problem or a computer problem. When
I turn my computer on it boots up to a black screen with the cursor
flashing. Like it is hanging up and trying to load Windows but never makes
If I put my Windows XP CD in and turn the computer on it says press any key
to boot from CD. I do not press any key and Windows loads and works
fine. There is no floppy in the drive. It was working fine then I turn it
on one day and this. I even booted from the Windows and did a repair and the
same thing keeps happening. I have Win XP Home with SP2 and all of the
current updates.
Any suggestions?


I had the same problem. I discovered that the last 13 security updates that
Microsoft released on 4/12 were faulty. I you have automatic install
enabled, unenable it and do your update manually so that you can pick and
choose which one to use. Haven't heard from Microsoft regarding this yet but
have found a few more user who has the same problem after installing these

T. Waters

Doris is right. Many people have this very problem. Do a System Restore to
before the auto-updates happened. There should be a date on them in
Add/Remove Programs. Then manually download ONLY those updates that are
Critical or that apply to your needs. Test the booting of your system after
each addition.

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