Windows Vista "Time Warp" Understanding Vista's Backup and RestoreTechnologies



I posted this in another thread, but I think it's worth a look at
to help get a better understanding of how "Previous Versions"
aka "Volume Shadow Copy" works.

Oh, "Previous Versions" is only a feature of Business, Ultimate, and

"Time Warp" is an awfully cool code name, but an even cooler file system technology that's
part of Vista. So cool in fact, that I am taking the chance of getting yelled at for revealing
it here as it's frowned upon (typically) to use code names for products that have already

In this second installment for Channel 9's Vista Week coverage (remember, 9 days, not 5 or 7-
and that's 9 work days....), we meet some of the folks who wrote Previous Versions - a Vista
technology that utilizes the services of VSS (Volume Shadow Copy) to restore several versions
of modified files, enabling users to travel back in time should the need arise. (Dev's, be sure
to check out what's new in VSS here). We're pleased to introduce Adi Oltean, Software Developer
Extraordinaire, Eduardo Laureno, Program Manager, and Jeffrey Saathoff, the software engineer
who wrote the UI you see for Previous Versions.

Vista backs up your files for you automatically (of course, there is a limit to how much the
system can maintain as back up data on your disk. Watch the video to learn more...) It's
another example of an innovative low-level technology designed with the the user in mind. Vista
is a highly user-centric OS. This theme will continue to shine through as we progress through
Vista Week... (And you'll notice how often we emphasize this in the interviews... In fact, you
should count the number of times you hear that Vista is user-centric coming from behind the
camera for the next several days.)


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