Windows User Privleges and Reports



Here is one line of my code:
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptIssClosedListDate", acViewPreview

and it generates this error w/o error handling:
"Execution of this application has stopped due to a run-time error."
When one clicks "OK" the application closes

With erorr handling:
"Error 1502 (The OpenReport action was canceled) in procedure...."

The report has no code.

I have full admin rights on my computer and do not get this erorr; however,
my co-workers' computers are locked down tighter than Sir Galahad at Castle
Anthrax. SO i am assuming that these admin rights are the issue. will you
please shed some light on permissions and report running?


By "the application closes" do you mean that Access closes? If so there is a
very bad problem with the installation of Microsoft Office. Make sure all
patches have been applied. Also try running the database on another person's
computer with similar restrictions as the problem machine.

Also make sure that the computer has a valid default printer set up. Often
the lack of a default printer causes problems with reports.


Yes, MS Access closes immediately after clicking "OK".

ALL patches have been applied
ALL of the computer with restriced permissions have the issue
ALL Computers have a valid, and operational, default printer

what would cause the OpenReport action to be Canceled



If it only happens on one computer, chances are that it's that computer.
Anything else strange happening on that computer? Could be hardware like a
bad memory card or software problem. Unfortunately if it's software, I usally
have the best luck by wiping the hard drive and doing a fresh install of

If it happens on many computers, that particular report, or a
form/report/query related to that report, is corrupt. For exampe the
clicking of the button that runs the report might be the problem or the query
that drives the report might be hitting some corrupt data in a memo field.

Tony Toews has an excellent web page on database corruption.

Allen Brown also has excellent info on corruption.

I have a white paper in a Word document named Fix Corrupt Access Database
towards the bottom this page:



ALL Computers have a valid, and operational, default printer

do they all have SIMILIAR printers?

I had this kid with a label printer attached to his desktop; that
qualified as an operational and it was definitely a default printer

sounds just like a problem i had in diagnosing that

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