Windows updates - blank page



I run IE under XP and whenever I try to reach the updates page I get a blank page. Same with hotmail. Otherwise everything seems to work fine.

I scanned my computer with several virus programs, such as Norton, McAffee and House Call, no result.
I also looked for spyware with adaware, spybot, x-cleaner and a2 and couldn't find anything.
I also checked for the sasser worm and the rapidblaster, also no success.

My hosts file also seems to be alright.
I also cleaned the cache, the cookies and the history, restored the web settings, no result.
Turning off the firewall and the antivirus program had no effect either.

With Netscape I can access hotmail, but not the Windows updates page.

I tried to download some of the patches Windows provides for the IE, but that was no use either.

So, please help me, cause I am going nuts here!

Mike Bright MSP


I have heard of this issue before, and I remember it was
possibly something to do with the VBScript engine or
something getting corrupted. I think the suggested
solution was to install Windows Script 5.6 or re-install
5.6. Anyway the link below is to that download, i'd
download it and give it a whirl, so if it fixes your
problem if not, please do postback.

(Link may need reconstructing in Notepad)

Hope this helps

Mike Bright MCP, MSP

e:[email protected]

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