Windows Update


Carlos Vieira

Please, anyone from MS answer me, I need to release a Final Version of my

XP Embedded does not support Windows Update????

So, what are this components for????

Windows Update Automatic Updates

Windows Update Base

Windows Update for Device Drivers

Windows Update Shortcut

Sorry, but I really didn't understand this.

It's written on Target Designer Help:

"The Windows Update Automatic Updates component provides critical operating
system updates, such as driver updates, security fixes, and application
updates. This component keeps the computer up-to-date by automatically
downloading updates from the Windows Update Web site and making them
available to the user. This component also includes the Automatic Update tab
in the System Properties dialog.

Automatic Update (AU) runs as a local service, which cooperates with a
process in the current user's context to download and install updates from
the Windows Update Web site."


I had a similar question, so I looked up these components
in XPe Help files. I found Windows Update Automatic
Updates in the help files as you stated, but if you do a
search on the component database, there isn't actually a
component called "Windows Update Automatic Update".

Curious, because I wanted to do the same for my image so
that I could automatically get sercurity patches.



Hi Guys..
well For automatic update there is no Auto Update feature
supported by Win xpe..(donno why)..
anyway, you will have to add "Device Update Agent" to
your target image. and then make your own script files
for updating the image automatically.
I am currently struggling with DUA and hoping some one
could be my savior..hopefully someone comes to my rescue..
Till then dig the MSDN resources for DUA.

Jon Fincher

Please, anyone from MS answer me, I need to release a Final Version of
my Image.

XP Embedded does not support Windows Update????

No, WU is not supported on XPE
So, what are this components for????

Windows Update Automatic Updates
Windows Update Base
Windows Update for Device Drivers
Windows Update Shortcut

There are two parts to the WU service - the client that runs on the
individual machine (encapsulated in the components listed above), and
the server portion that doles out the fixes (the website). The client was componentized as
part of the whole XPE effort - the server portion, however, doesn't know
what XPE is, so it doesn't know what fixes to serve up.

In short, the client portion is there because we tried to componentize
everything, and when we figured out that the WU server wouldn't work for
our product, we didn't remove the client stuff. Sorry for the

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