Windows Update


Steve Marsden

My PC recently crashed and I had to reinstall/repair my Windows XP Home
installation. Since then the WIndows Update doesnt work. It detects new
updates and displays the icon in the Taskbar and the baloon help which I
click on. It then tells me there Iare knew updates to download but when I
click Start Download the windows just disappears and no updates are

Next time I logo on. it tells me the updates are available again.

If I go to the Windows Update web site I can download the updates manuualy

Anyone know why the Start Download doesnt work.

Feng Mao

Hi Steve,

Thank you for posting!

Based on my experience, your problem can be caused by the corrupted
Automatic Updates component. This component includes the below files:


To further troubleshoot this issue, I suggest performing the following

Step 1: Please delete the following temporary file and folder for Automatic

C:\Program Files\WindowsUpdate\wuaudnld.tmp
C:\Program Files\WindowsUpdate\detail.xml

Step 2: Please open the Registry Editor and confirm if the value of the
registry key
If not, please change it back.

Step 3: If the above suggestions do not help, let's use the following steps
to replace the function files:

1. Extract the three files, wuauclt.exe, wuaueng.dll and wuauserv.dll, from
your Windows XP Setup CD. You can click Start, point to Run, type MSCONFIG
and then press Enter. In General tab of System Configuration Utility, you
will see Expand Files... button. Click the button and follow the wizard to
extract the three files.
2. Start the computer in Safe Mode.
3. Copy three files to C:\Windows\system32 folder.
4. Copy three files to C:\Windows\system32\DllCache folder.
5. Please restart the system normally to test this issue.

Note 1:
To start Windows in Safe Mode, please follow these steps:

1. Please turn on or restart the computer. While your computer is booting
up, please keep pressing the F8 key to invoke the startup menu.
2. In the startup menu, choose Safe Mode.

Note 2:
The folder C:\Windows\system32\DllCache is a hidden folder and we can use
the following steps to show it in Windows Explorer:

1. Click Start, click Control Panel, switch to Classic View and
double-click Folder Options.
2. Under the View tab, click to check "Show hidden files and folders", and
uncheck "Hide protected operating system files".
3. Click OK.

I hope that the above information is helpful.

Have a nice day!

Thanks & Regards,

Feng Mao [MSFT], MCSE
Microsoft Online Partner Support

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