Windows Update Problem... :-/


Tyler Rice

Whenever I goto the windows update site and run Windows
Update... I get this error code, (0x800A138F) and it says

Windows Update Error

Windows Update has encountered an error and cannot
display the requested page.

Dunno what the hell it is... It doesn't show anything in
the: Driver Updates, Critical Updates or Windows. I know
I am missing updates cuz it's been doing this for about 5
months. Any help would be great.
-Tyler Rice


Tyler Rice said:
Whenever I goto the windows update site and run Windows
Update... I get this error code, (0x800A138F) and it says

Windows Update Error

Windows Update has encountered an error and cannot
display the requested page.

Dunno what the hell it is... It doesn't show anything in
the: Driver Updates, Critical Updates or Windows. I know
I am missing updates cuz it's been doing this for about 5
months. Any help would be great.
-Tyler Rice




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