Windows Update Failing to Recognise Key


James Wilson

I saw this posted so many times, still no replies. Alas,
it's my turn. Error code: 0x8007002 Is what I receive at
the windows update site, in reference to the site not
being able to verify my product key. This is a valid
install of a VLK. What gives? Any help would be
appreciated. As to the 'Tech Support', no dice there. $35
seems a bit much to have someone tell me I should post
here directly.

-If it wasn't for bad luck, there'd be no such thing as
Good luck-

Will Denny


Try the Windows Update News Group:



Will Denny
MS-MVP Windows - Shell/User
Please reply to the News Groups

| I saw this posted so many times, still no replies. Alas,
| it's my turn. Error code: 0x8007002 Is what I receive at
| the windows update site, in reference to the site not
| being able to verify my product key. This is a valid
| install of a VLK. What gives? Any help would be
| appreciated. As to the 'Tech Support', no dice there. $35
| seems a bit much to have someone tell me I should post
| here directly.
| -If it wasn't for bad luck, there'd be no such thing as
| Good luck-

It is practice, that if tech support cannot help with your problem, that the $35 charge be
credited back to your credit card account. If that did not happen, phone customer support
(not tech support), and ask nicely (being nasty to the person you speak with will only
defeat your purpose) that your credit card account be credited. If customer support
refuses, phone your credit card company, and explain that the service you paid for wasn't
furnished, and have them deal with it. (If you ever phone tech support again, ask for an
incident/reference number, so you can use it when asking for a refund) On the two
occasions that I've dealt with MS pay tech support, nether tech person could solve my
problem. It was obvious that both had little tech knowledge other than what they read off
of a screen after typing some key words or phrases. Since neither solved my problem, I
told both that I didn't feel it was right to charge me for the service. Both offered to
credit my credit card account. Since then, Google Groups (including this news group) have
been the source for fixing any problems that I've run into.


You should not be asked for your product key at the Windows Update Site. Perhaps you have a firewall or other blocking software that prevents Windows update from searching your computer for needed updates. Disable any of those and go back and try again.

James Wilson

Thanks for the info. The VLK error and firewall settings
are actually two very unrelated issues. Same setup as
previous when I was able to run the updates, no problems.
I decided to bite the bullet though and am downloading RC2
as this has fixed numerous client machines (testers) in-
house. As for the Tech support issue, I am a Cisco
certified Network technician, so know only toooo well how
lame the question and answer game gets to be. That's why i
refused the service in the first place. I hate to say it
but I have to at this point: Many of my 'associates'
machines do NOT have product keys that were, umm purchased
legitimately. Those machines work fine, and I can run nd
implement any and all updates on those. The fact that I
was left feeling like a criminal or pirate only reinforces
the thought of just saying 'what the heck' and going NON-
legit just to have a workable machine. No, I won't do it,
but just had to post it. BTW, the firewall software issue
is not an issue for consideration as there is no
correlation whatsoever between the settings and the actual
update site seeking out my product info. Thanks for the
info though.
-----Original Message-----
You should not be asked for your product key at the
Windows Update Site. Perhaps you have a firewall or other
blocking software that prevents Windows update from
searching your computer for needed updates. Disable any of
those and go back and try again.


in tools ,options,,clear your cache files and off line
files and cookies.
and tools options security for active x settings ,as active
x is used to check system for update needs.too.

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