\windows\system32\config\system error at startup



My computer will not boot up and the message that i get on the screen is:

windows xp could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:

I didn't make the recovery disk when i got the computer. Does anyone have
any suggestions on how to recover my computer? and if it is recoverable,
will i still have all of my files still in the programs or will i have to
re-do everything? please help, i am on a time crunch and i am desperate.

The Servant

I left a post, but replied to sender not to group. I want the group to see
this. I have the same problem. My system file went missing.

N. in Concord

Bruce Chambers

windows said:
My computer will not boot up and the message that i get on the screen is:

windows xp could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:

I didn't make the recovery disk when i got the computer. Does anyone have
any suggestions on how to recover my computer? and if it is recoverable,
will i still have all of my files still in the programs or will i have to
re-do everything? please help, i am on a time crunch and i am desperate.

How to Recover from a Corrupted Registry that Prevents Windows XP from

Once you've recovered, you might want to look here, as well:

How to Troubleshoot Registry Corruption Issues


Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having
both at once. - RAH

The Servant

I installed the OS again in a different directory, and get access to files,
but the programs all may need to be reinstalled to work right. I'm just
trying to find out how to get my original install working again. I left a
more detailed posting earlier. Your files should all still be there.



what make and model do you have?
The computer MFG also has tech support for your PC and give problem
resolution. Some even have live online chat session which are free.
They can also help you create recovery CD with your computer or order
I wouldn't attempt other methods before exploring these options first!!!



If you somehow lost files, that a viable for a normal start, you can
try restoreing them using data recovery tool such as Uneraser (DOS). It
never failed me before and I'm sure it can help.

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