Windows shutdown



A friend has a system that will shutdown on its' own. The shutdown is
abrupt. No warning, and never at the same time. When it shuts down, the
power supply has to be completely turned off, then back on before it will

At first, it seemed this problem would occur when logging onto a user, but
after removing all users except the administrator, it still shuts down and
always VERY abruptly. Does this sound like a windows issue, or hardware?
I've checked the hardware and find no problems at this time. It's not
overheating, processor speed is correct, has a fairly new harddrive, etc.
Help, please.

Yves Leclerc

Could be a virus or some type of spyware???

Run an up to date anti-virus check.

Then, run:

AD Aware SE
Spybot: Search and Destroy
Microsoft AntiSpyware

Trend Micro's Housecall web scan.

Tom Porterfield

PMiller said:
A friend has a system that will shutdown on its' own. The shutdown is
abrupt. No warning, and never at the same time. When it shuts down, the
power supply has to be completely turned off, then back on before it will

At first, it seemed this problem would occur when logging onto a user, but
after removing all users except the administrator, it still shuts down and
always VERY abruptly. Does this sound like a windows issue, or hardware?
I've checked the hardware and find no problems at this time. It's not
overheating, processor speed is correct, has a fairly new harddrive, etc.
Help, please.

Check event viewer to see if anything is logged there, there may not be
anything but it's worth checking. Next, have your friend turn off the
setting that automatically reboots the computer on system error. To do
this, right click on the My Computer icon and select Properties. Go to
the Advanced tab and click the Settings button under Startup and
Recovery. Under System failure remove the check from Automatically
restart. Next time the error occurs that is causing the reboot it
should be able to capture, display additional information that may help
determine the real cause of the problem.
Tom Porterfield
MS-MVP Windows

Please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup only.


Sorry, I should have included that information in my previous post. Yes, I
have run virus-check through last night. System is unstable, but once in a
while, will stay up long enough for that. I also have installed, and run
Spybot as well. Nothing has been found. That was my first thought as there
are similarities.

Manny Borges

Sounds hardwareish(is that a word?) to me.

Download and burn the Ultimate Booot cd
and use it to run memory and disk checks etc.

If that doesn't turn up any issues I would look at updating the Bios, and
doing an in-place upgrade of XP;en-us;315341&Product=winxp

Manny Borges
MCSE NT4-2003 (+ Security)
MCT, Certified Cheese Master

The pen is mightier than the sword, and considerably easier to write with.
-- Marty Feldman


Greetings ,

I recently experienced a similar problem. By chance I did all the things
Manny suggested a had no indication of any problem with the hardware. I
then ran a Linux Knoppix live CD and the problem persisted. I'm now
confirming if the HDD has a firmware issue with the PC.

Good luck.


Manny Borges

Hmmm. I had a PC with issues like this one.
It also drove me bonkers.
It ended up being the powersupply.

Anything showing up in the event logs?

Manny Borges
MCSE NT4-2003 (+ Security)
MCT, Certified Cheese Master

The pen is mightier than the sword, and considerably easier to write with.
-- Marty Feldman

Will Denny


I've got one partition here - NTFS + SP2 - with exactly the same problem. A
shutdown without any warning. What shows up in the Event Viewer is:

Event ID 7011
Source - Control Service Manager

A 'Repair' install doesn't help the problem - so far I can't find out what
is causing the error. It is definitely software related, not hardware, as
the other partitions don't have any problems.

Joan Archer

<lol> You having problems, what have you been up to while Christine has
been away <vbg>

Will Denny

Hi Joan

This is a problem I can't get my head round to solve - without a 'Clean'
install - but then the problem wouldn't solved.

I was reasonably well behaved when Christine was away!! The most radical
thing I did was to ask one of my nieces for an estimate on a haircut :))

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