Windows SERVICE, .NET 2005



Hey guys,

I've written an NT Service. I seem to have everything it needs, an
OnStart, OnStop, events. It compiles fine and I don't get any errors or
warnings. My problem is that I don't have an Installer Class. I've tried to
add one, but I've taken some code off the internet, but it all seems to be
for Visual Studio 2003. I am using VS 2005. It says I need to add to my uses
class "System.Configuration.Installs". It says that no such thing exists. I
have VS 2005 Professional so it SHOULD include that.
When I do run the install app under the VS2005 CMD, it says it installs it,
but I don't see any new services pop up. I am assuming this is because I
don't have an installer class.

Any idea what I might be doing wrong?




For anyone that happens to find this in a search, I've figured out what I
need to do:

This link was helpful to me:

Basically, when I got to this point, what I needed to do was open the
Service1.Designer window. (the grey blank screen that says it has no
components on it). Right click in the open grey area and select "Add
Installer". It automatically creates a file called ProgramInstaller.cs. Make
sure you don't already have one created, otherwise it will error out.

This worked for me.



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