Windows Search



Please can someone email me at (e-mail address removed) with a reply to the

I click start, then search and a window opens. It says search by any one of
the following search criteria. If I am searching for say bottles and I have
searched for box before, all the other things I have searched for that
start with bo appear in a little window below. I cannot delete these and I
need to know how to. When I right click nothing happens. I do not want anyone
to know what I have been searching for so how do I clear these previous


Replies here are normally posted to the group, not emailed, so everyone can
benefit and comment.

If you are familiar with the registry, or want to do some sluething on the
Net to become so, open Regedit and FIND a term that you want to delete.
This should lead you to the appropriate key. Deleting the item under this
key might be all it takes...
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Search Assistant\ACMru

Warning! Making a mistake editing the Registry can disable XP. If you are
not confident that you know what you are doing, leave it to someone who does.

/Suep/ said:


Please can someone email me at (e-mail address removed) with a reply to the

I click start, then search and a window opens. It says search by any one of
the following search criteria. If I am searching for say bottles and I have
searched for box before, all the other things I have searched for that
start with bo appear in a little window below. I cannot delete these and I
need to know how to. When I right click nothing happens. I do not want anyone
to know what I have been searching for so how do I clear these previous

If I understand your question, what you need to do is
install XP Tweak UI or Tweak UI (from 98). In Tweak UI, you
have a "Paranoid" feature that allows you to clear ALL your
"histories" when you log off.

If you want to erase your searches, stop what you are doing,
and log off, or reboot.

You can get Tweak UI (what I use) or XP Tweak UI (UI meaning
"user interface"), on the Microsoft site, and there are any
number of generics available, from web sites such as

I'd recommend you start with Tweak UI from the Microsoft
site. After all, it's their invention.

Good luck!


Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Hi Sue,

Click start/run, tyoe regedit and click ok. Expand the plus (+) signs to
reach this branch:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Search Assistant\ACMru

In the subkeys below this branch (click on them one at a time), you should
find the various search entries (look in the right pane). You can delete
them by deleting the corresponding strings in the right pane.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

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