windows position



how can I make the main access windows hidden and position every other
form I open?
I want to create a start form that is sitting in the left hand bottom
quarter of the desktop and show all forms I open smack in the middle of
the desktop
and this on any screen resolution possible


Van T. Dinh

If you want to hide the Access Application window, see The Access Web

but read the warning carefully. There may be other problems also (depending
on the Access version???).

If you want to position the pop-up Form (you need Pop-up if you want to hide
the Access Application window), try the method in the Microsoft Knowledge
Base article:

While the article refer to the Access Application window, you can simply
replace the Application Window Handle with the Form Handle.

Personally, I never tried to hide the Access Application window. It is not
worth the hassles and my clients know that I use Access for development of
their databases.


Van T. Dinh wrote :
If you want to hide the Access Application window, see The Access Web

but read the warning carefully. There may be other problems also (depending
on the Access version???).
If you want to position the pop-up Form (you need Pop-up if you want to hide
the Access Application window), try the method in the Microsoft Knowledge
Base article:

While the article refer to the Access Application window, you can simply
replace the Application Window Handle with the Form Handle.
Personally, I never tried to hide the Access Application window. It is not
worth the hassles and my clients know that I use Access for development of
their databases.

I am using access 2003

it's not that I don't want users to know I am using access but rather
keeping the user interface as slim as possible
I wouldn't mind trimming down the main window to just a tiny border
around the current active window if I'd know how to do that ^^



This is not my personal idea but it's a great one:

Set all the forms in your .mdb (Which I will now refer to as "FE" for
"Front End") to Popup. Right click on the main access window and set
one of your forms to the startup form. Now hide the FE file from your
users on their computer (as in anywhere but their desktop). Then give
your users a shortcut to your file and go to the shortcut properties.
Set it to run the program "Minimized". Now run it. The forms pop up
"without" access!

As for setting position... in the Form_Open event use the Me.Move(Left,
Top, Width, Height) command and then set Me.Moveable to false.

Good luck, sounds like you're making one killer interface!



J formulated on maandag :
This is not my personal idea but it's a great one:
Set all the forms in your .mdb (Which I will now refer to as "FE" for
"Front End") to Popup. Right click on the main access window and set
one of your forms to the startup form. Now hide the FE file from your
users on their computer (as in anywhere but their desktop). Then give
your users a shortcut to your file and go to the shortcut properties.
Set it to run the program "Minimized". Now run it. The forms pop up
"without" access!
As for setting position... in the Form_Open event use the Me.Move(Left,
Top, Width, Height) command and then set Me.Moveable to false.
Good luck, sounds like you're making one killer interface!

that is exactly what I was looking for
and it looks great indeed ^^


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