Hello. I have the same problem as Frank's and was disappointed to see that
nobody posted a reply here. Please, if anybody knows how to fix this--your
help would be very much appreciated.
This was my situation before I had the problem which is explained below:
Default photo viewer--Windows Picture and Fax Viewer
Default photo editor--MS Photo Editor
When I open my images, they used to open in Windows Picture and Fax Viewer,
then when I click on the edit button, the image would open in MS Photo Editor
for editing. But that's not the case anymore.
What happened was I downloaded GIMP the other night and during installation
it asked me if I want to use GIMP as my default photo editing program and, if
so, for which image types; I was curious so I selected jpg files. When I
went back to my jpg images, the jpg icon was replaced with the GIMP icon
(which I don't like) in all of my jpg files. I opened one file and it opened
in Windows Picture and Fax Viewer, BUT when I click the edit button in
Windows Picture and Fax Viewer, it opened, of course, in GIMP. Well, I
decided I don't like it this way, so I went to Windows Explorer/Tools to fix
it. I changed the setting so that the icon would revert back to the jpg
icon, BUT, when I did that, my jpg files don't open in Windows Picture and
Fax Viewer anymore, but open directly in MS Photo Editor. I want my jpg
files to open in Windows Picture and Fax Viewer--so I went back to Explorer
and told it to it to open jpg files in Windows Picture and Fax Viewer. Now,
my jpg's are opening in Windows....Viewer, but when I click the edit button,
it opens in Paint! I don't like Paint as my default MS image editor. How am
I going to fix it so that my jpg's will open in Windows....Viewer and edit in
MS Photo Editor? I would really like to fix this, so any help would be very
much appreciated.
Maybe you're curious why I want my viewer to be Windows....Viewer--it's nice
to be able to view images in a folder just by clicking the forward button,
and not having to open, close, open, close when viewing more than one images.
P.S. When I changed my setting so that my jpg files would open in
Windows....Viewer, the icon didn't change to the jpg icon--the GIMP icon
remained. That is another problem that I want fixed.