Windows Picture and Fax Viewer

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After downloading SP2, my photos now open in MS Photo
Editor instead of Windows Picture etc. Viewer. I prefer
the Viewer. How do I reset so that photos come up in
Hello. I have the same problem as Frank's and was disappointed to see that
nobody posted a reply here. Please, if anybody knows how to fix this--your
help would be very much appreciated.

This was my situation before I had the problem which is explained below:
Default photo viewer--Windows Picture and Fax Viewer
Default photo editor--MS Photo Editor

When I open my images, they used to open in Windows Picture and Fax Viewer,
then when I click on the edit button, the image would open in MS Photo Editor
for editing. But that's not the case anymore.

What happened was I downloaded GIMP the other night and during installation
it asked me if I want to use GIMP as my default photo editing program and, if
so, for which image types; I was curious so I selected jpg files. When I
went back to my jpg images, the jpg icon was replaced with the GIMP icon
(which I don't like) in all of my jpg files. I opened one file and it opened
in Windows Picture and Fax Viewer, BUT when I click the edit button in
Windows Picture and Fax Viewer, it opened, of course, in GIMP. Well, I
decided I don't like it this way, so I went to Windows Explorer/Tools to fix
it. I changed the setting so that the icon would revert back to the jpg
icon, BUT, when I did that, my jpg files don't open in Windows Picture and
Fax Viewer anymore, but open directly in MS Photo Editor. I want my jpg
files to open in Windows Picture and Fax Viewer--so I went back to Explorer
and told it to it to open jpg files in Windows Picture and Fax Viewer. Now,
my jpg's are opening in Windows....Viewer, but when I click the edit button,
it opens in Paint! I don't like Paint as my default MS image editor. How am
I going to fix it so that my jpg's will open in Windows....Viewer and edit in
MS Photo Editor? I would really like to fix this, so any help would be very
much appreciated.

Maybe you're curious why I want my viewer to be Windows....Viewer--it's nice
to be able to view images in a folder just by clicking the forward button,
and not having to open, close, open, close when viewing more than one images.

P.S. When I changed my setting so that my jpg files would open in
Windows....Viewer, the icon didn't change to the jpg icon--the GIMP icon
remained. That is another problem that I want fixed.
In Windows Explorer, go to:
Tools/Folder Options/File Types

Select the file type for your photos (i.e., jpg)
Click on the "change..." button
Select "Windows Picture and Fax Viewer" from the list

This should apply to all your jpg files.
Right Click on one of the picture files and point on "Open
With..." click on "Choose Program..." at the end of the

Under "Recommended Programs:" in the text box on the
window that opens up, select "Windows Picture and Fax
Viewer". Below the text box, check "Always use the
selected prog...". Click OK. That's it.
-----Original Message-----
After downloading SP2, my photos now open in MS Photo
Editor instead of Windows Picture etc. Viewer. I prefer
the Viewer. How do I reset so that photos come up in
I had the same problem. When I used to plug my camera
into the computer automatically the wizard came uo asking
what i wanted to do with these pictures. Not any more ,
I thought it was just me ! Now I use a editer or
finepix vewer to aquire photos. Or try plugging in the
camera and then open "my computer" and see if storage
device "E" is listed. Thats probabley your photo's ,
click it. Good luck
(you might need to re-install a driver that came with
your camera if nothing else works)