Windows Picture and fax viewer



Can someone help me with the name of the executable file for the
Windows XP Picture and fax viewer application. I am needing to call
this in code to launch the application to display images.

I specifically need to call this exe as it is not the default on the
user's system.

Thanks in advance.



/GrantS/ said:
Can someone help me with the name of the executable file for the
Windows XP Picture and fax viewer application. I am needing to call
this in code to launch the application to display images.

I specifically need to call this exe as it is not the default on the
user's system.

It is not an .exe. It's a DLL. To register it...
regsvr32 /shimgvw.dll

For a bit more info...

Alex Nichol

GrantS said:
Can someone help me with the name of the executable file for the
Windows XP Picture and fax viewer application. I am needing to call
this in code to launch the application to display images.

It is not an executable, but a dll, which can be run (eg in a file
association) by
rundll32.exe C:\WINDOWS\System32\shimgvw.dll,ImageView_Fullscreen %1
with the %1 carrying across the file to be displayed

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