Windows NT Logoff



I need to delete some files when a user is not logged on.
Either I have to logoff the user before I delete the files
or should know if a user is logged on so I will not delete
the files at that time

I tried to log off using the logoff.exe. From command
prompt the batch file ran fine. But when I schedule it to
logoff, it did not logoff the user.

So then I tried to check the %USERNAME%. This also works
fine in the command prompt. But When I schedule it, the %
USERNAME% is blank.

Please guide me. LEt me know how can I logoff using batch
commands and run it as a scheduled process or how to get
the %username% using batch commands.



Start computer, Run, There will appear a listing of web site previously visited. How do you DELETE these listing?????


Not really appropriate to Active Directory but I'll answer it anyway...

Clear your IE history. The run command stores it's entries in history.
Flushing the history will flush the run command.

Bobby said:
Start computer, Run, There will appear a listing of web site previously
visited. How do you DELETE these listing?????

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