windows not shutting down




I am currently running Windows 2000 pro SP 4. I now find myself unable to
completely "Shutdown" my PC. When I go to Start> Shutdown, it just re-boots
the system, just as it would if I had chosen to restart. Windows will not
allow me to do a full shutdown. The only way to shut down is to just turn
off the machine.

I have recently needed to install a new hard drive, and have since been
installing all of the windows 2000 critical updates. I don't know if any of
these could have caused this problem, but I installed them in "Bulk", not
one at a time, so wouldn't know which one to go back to.

Has anyone experienced this problem before? Please help.


Bob I

Sounds like it is "crashing" on shutdown. Turn off Automatically Reboot,
then you can read the BSOD, and work from the error message.


Hi Bob,

I currently do not receive a BSOD. Instaed of shutting down, it just does a
complete reboot, as if I chose Restart instead of shutdown. It reboots
perfectly without any trouble. the problem is that I want to "shutdown".


I did what you mentioned earlier, unchecking the "Automatic Restart". Then
tried to shutdown, and I did receive the BSOD that you first mentioned,
along with this message:

CKMODE - Exception not handled

Address BB7C2B60 base at BB76F000
Date stamp 3 edc062b


beginning dump of physical memeory.


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