windows no disk



when ever i start my computer i get a pop up message saying [WINDOWS NO DISK]
with a choice to continue/cancel/retry. anybody out there got any idea's?


Hi bow,

Have you resolved your problem?

I found this message, see below, in a forum elsewhere. Have a look and see
if its identical to the problem you are having.

"I suspect your problem may be related to some of the recent security fixes
for XP rather than Spybot. A friend of mine who runs XP (I have Windows 2000)
has the same problem after he logs on, but without running Spybot.

I suggest you leave the message on the screen and start Task Manager. Pick
the "APPLICATIONS" tab in task manager. Highlight the "Windows - No Disk"
application in the Task Manager. Then RIGHT click on it and select "Go To
Process" That will move you to the processes tab and highlight the process
issuing the message. On my friend's machine, that is CSRSS.EXE. What is it on
your machine? Do NOT try to terminate the process; it is part of the
operating system.

I suspect patch KB902400 had something to do with this problem; it was the
last patch I installed on his machine before the problem manifest itself.
However, I do not think it is the patch by itself. If you have KB902400 on
your system, you might try removing it and see if the problem persists. Make
sure you reinstall the patch; it is a critical security patch."


Also, check out following link to an article on Microsoft's Help and Support

I am having same problem. So, I am also looking for a solution. Let's keep
each other posted.


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