Windows Movie Maker



So, when I got windows vista it wouldnt let me use movie maker something
about card requirements. Anyone know how to fix that or a different program
I can use to make AMV's?


Um.. I dont know what card I have... I could find out though... and um.. I
have a computer... that was a windows xp but is now vista beta thingy and um
it has a 100 GB harddrive with 70 GB left and um... its got a cd drive and
dvd drive and um.. my video card is um... er.. I forgot how to find it..
Intel(R) 82845G/GL/GE/PE/GV Craphics Controller.. Does that help?

Colin Barnhorst

In reading about your integrated graphics controller on
the maximum video ram you could be using is 64MB, if you have updated to
driver 11.1 and only 48MB if not. Unfortunately, the graphics adaptor is no
longer supported by Intel. I don't know if your power supply will handle a
graphics card that will support Windows Movie Maker, but you should check
the power rating and see. If you post what computer you have someone can
help you track down the info.

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