Windows messenger 5.0 keeps loading even after installing 6.1



Windows messnger 5.0 still loads even after I upgraded to 6.1. So when I shut down and reboot the 5.0 is running in the background. I have tried running it and setting the do not load at startup option to off but it still loads? What can I do?

Kieren Evans

Hey JohnT,
6.1 is MSN Messenger which is different to Windows Messenger 5.0. Being
completely different programs they arent installed on top of each other like
upgrades are. You say you have unchecked run at startup in windows
messenger, have you also unchecked the Allow to run in background checkbox?

Also, if you have Norton Antivirus installed there is an option in it for
instant messaging in windows messenger. This causes Windows Messenger to
open every time. To stop this, open the options panel on norton antivirus
and under the instant messenger tab, uncheck windows messenger.

If you still want to virus check the file transfers in MSN messenger then
open the MSN messenger options and goto the "Messages" tab. Under Scan files
for viruses using:, check the tick box and find CCIMSCAN.EXE which should be
in the norton antivirus folder in Program Files. If you have Norton Internet
Security the full path will be "C:\Program Files\Norton Internet
Security\Norton AntiVirus\CCIMSCAN.EXE" where you would change the drive
letter to the drive that program files is on for you.

Good Luck,
Hope I Helped,
Please Post Replies back to the
newsgroup so that it benefits
everybody and please do reply
to the newsgroup with progress

Kieren Evans

JohnT said:
Windows messnger 5.0 still loads even after I upgraded to 6.1. So when I
shut down and reboot the 5.0 is running in the background. I have tried
running it and setting the do not load at startup option to off but it still
loads? What can I do?

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