Help!,My windows media player has suddenly started coming up with the message
"Windows media player cannot play items in the playlist.To find information
about the problem click the now playing tab,and then click the icon next to
each file in the list pane." There are no icons in the now playing tab or
files in the list pane, and it is only doing it with the radio stations (not
my cd's that are stored on a hard drive which paly fine through media
player), I have just downloaded the newest version of media player but it
still does it!.If anyone has any ideas as to why this is happening and what I
can do solve it I would be ever so grateful,cheers.(oh p.s. im on broadband
so I do have an internet connection to receive the radio stations!).
"Windows media player cannot play items in the playlist.To find information
about the problem click the now playing tab,and then click the icon next to
each file in the list pane." There are no icons in the now playing tab or
files in the list pane, and it is only doing it with the radio stations (not
my cd's that are stored on a hard drive which paly fine through media
player), I have just downloaded the newest version of media player but it
still does it!.If anyone has any ideas as to why this is happening and what I
can do solve it I would be ever so grateful,cheers.(oh p.s. im on broadband
so I do have an internet connection to receive the radio stations!).