Windows Logon Problem



I recently purchased a laptop and got tired of see the former owners name
appear in the log on window each time I started the computer. I created my
own ID under an option within Control Panel (sorry, I'm an XP neophyte and
forget the exact title, it was something like System Administration). I then
diabled the former owners Log on, which by the way had no password assigned
to it. When the sytem starts up, her name still appears, and when I try to
replace it with my own Log on Id, I can't get in. I've tried many variants
from the Id created, Homer Simspon, such as HSimspon, SimpsonH, etc.,
incuding all issues related to capitalization. Now I'm screwed,as I'm unable
to use the laptop. Any ideas ?

Thanks in advance, Homer


The password for the built in Windows Administrator account is normally
blank (none).

In XP Home, boot the computer into Safe Mode. Do this by repeatedly tapping
the F8 key as the computer is starting up. This will get you to the right
menu. Navigate using your Up arrow key; the mouse will not work here. Once
in Safe Mode, you will see the normally hidden Administrator account. The
default password is a blank.

In XP Pro, you do not need to go into Safe Mode. At the Welcome Screen,
do/press the
Ctrl-Alt-Del keys twice to get the classic Windows logon box. Type in
"Administrator" and whatever password you assigned (default is no password)
when you set up Windows.

Once your in then:
Start/Run/type in:Control Userpasswords2 and press OK
Next click on the Advanced tab and then click Manage Passwords.

Next download Power Toy's Tweak UI from Microsoft:
Install, run and under Logon you will find check boxes to select the
accounts you want displayed and in the Autologon you can choose to
Enable/Disable it by Checking or un-checking the 'Logon automatically'



I was able to get back into the machine by simply putting 'Administrator'
into the the Logon screen. No passwords have been set up for any users.
Thanks for your suggestion, it worked.

I enabled that User profile in order to access all of the files and
documents created and stored under it.

The problem I now face is a display one, the original problem I was going to
post before screwing up the Logon.
Once logged in, my viewing area shrinks to about half the total screen size,
with the window
sitting in the middle of the screen. Each time I must go into Control
Panel ->Display Properties -> Settings tab
and set the Screen Resolution to 800 x 600, hit Apply. Then I go throught
the same procedure and adjust the resolution to 1024 x 768 (this was the
original problem I was going to post before screwing up the Logon). I don't
feel it's a driver issue, as everything works well in Administrator mode.

Any suggestions ?


Not sure what is meant by 'limited' user accounts, but here is what I can
tell you.
From within Control Panel -> Administrative tools -> Computer Managment ;

for my newly created ID H Simpson, under the Member of tab I have both
Administrators and Users

for the former owner, under the tab it shows Administrators and Debugger

I've just got my hands on a copy of Windows XP Time Saving Techniques for
Dummies, and hope to begin learning more about XP. Any comment on the
shrunken screen size I mentioned, and why it reoccurs ?

Thanks again


Then for the account H Simpson remove member of 'Users' and leave the
Administrator membership.


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