windows keep shutin down??????



everytime i try to open up enternet explorer i get an
error message and it shut down.
this happens everytime (pleazzze help)

Internet explorer has encountered a problem and needs to
shut down.If you were in the middle of something,the
information you were working on might be lost.

We have created an error report that you can send to help
us improve internet Explorer.......

When I send this error report, I dont think its getting to
microsoft for them to help out with whats going on.Its
been 2 days and i havent recieved any reports on this
problem.I have been trying to locate the problem myself
and fix it. and ive had no luck.

All the errors are basicly the same with a few

ERROR #1 Faulting application msvc32i.exe,
version,faulting module
msvcrt.dll,version 7.0.2600.1106,
fault address 0x00033a96.

ERROR #2 Fault bucket 58559517.

ERROR #3Faulting application iexplore.exe,
version 6.0.2800.1106,faulting
module unknown,version
fault address 0x024c5b28.

R. C. White

Hi, smmaco.

First of all, this is NOT Microsoft Tech Support. MS "Communities" are
really peer-to-peer newsgroups. We are just Windows users, like you. Some
of us are further along on the learning curve, but we are not MS employees.

Second, that report to MS is NOT a request for Tech Support. Nowhere does
it promise that MS will contact you with an answer. Your report just goes
into the big data file with a few million others (including a few dozen from
me); when they get enough, MS performs some statistical analyses on them,
but they don't even attempt to address individual issues.

Now, to your problem...
everytime i try to open up enternet explorer i get an
error message and it shut down.

WHAT shuts down? IE? Or WinXP, as it says in your Subject line? I assume
you mean that only IE shuts down, because otherwise you'd never see the
window about sending info to MS.

Perhaps others here can interpret the error details you posted. Google
finds 152 hits for "iexplore.exe+msvcrt.dll". Here's one that links to
different KB articles with possible explanations. (If the name Xupiter
means anything to you, see the latest link, to article 813181.) (scroll down a page or so to
see the paragraph that applies.

Your problem might be simple file corruption that could be fixed by the
System File Checker. It's worth a try. At the Run prompt, type: sfc

SFC will compare each WinXP operating system file (including the IE files)
with "known good" copies held in your on-disk cache and replace any missing
or corrupted ones. Have your WinXP CD-ROM handy; SFC probably will need to
see it.


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