"Windows Has Blocked Some Startup Srograms"


Bob Newmam

After a night time reboot I awoke to find this message on my desktop:
"Windows Has Blocked Some Startup Srograms", click here for more
information. I clicked but got no information. This is my first foray into
the Vista world & this security stuff is driving me crazy (I assume this was
the problem). I had installed a little sticky note program I have used for
years (Stickies), I think that may have been the cause. Is there a place
for a "trusted list" or something like that? How do I solve this problem?

Also, a related question please. Vista seems to have taken the security
level to an obsession, if I shut off the UAC will that just put my security
levels back to XP similar or would Vista then be more vulnerable than XP was
for some reason? I'm all for security but I need to be free to do my work


Rick Rogers

Hi Bob,

Vista's security model has two major components. First is that programs run
within the user environment instead of the system environment, the second is
that the core system is protected. UAC is part of this latter component, and
it basically blocks anything from changing system files without the user's
knowledge and consent, even if the user is an administrator. In short, you
have to specifically invoke the change (ie: do it intentionally) regardless
of privilege level. Disabling it may seem like a means of easing the
security but in fact it exposes the system to potential damage. The biggest
issues occur during the initial setup of a system, once running in normal
mode UAC prompts are rarely encountered.

The blocked startup programs are part of Windows Defender (just type it into
the search box to open it up). Under tools, you will find options for
startup programs and those that have been quarantined, and can adjust them
to your liking.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Windows help - www.rickrogers.org
My thoughts http://rick-mvp.blogspot.com


Try and uninstall "Stickies, and see whether that solves problem. If not try
restoring the computer to a restore point, before the incident occurred.
If you require a gadget like "stickies' in gadgets there is a gadget called
"Notes" which may serve your purpose.
If you shut of UAC, you are leaving yourself more vulnerable to attach by
hackers & viruses, trojans, etc., in is an integral part of the Vista
Security setup. Depends on what other security measures you have taken, the
choice is up to you.

Ed O'Brien

Hi, Bob.

We had a discussion on this subject recently on this forum.

You can check for programmes you don't want to run at startup and you can
disable them if you wish.

The notice you refer to is similar to the old Windows XP advice note
displayed after alterations in the the System Configuration 'Startup' tab.
You can still
reach this by typing msconfig in the search bar just above the "Start"
button. To get rid of the notice, if it persists; when it shows select
"Run..... etc" tick the little square in the System Configuration advice
note and all should be okay.

Hope this helps,



Thanks for this post sequence. I did not know how to identify what programs
were running at startup before reading these. So easy when some knowing user
reveals HOW!

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