Windows Explorer will not remain in Details View for files



This is further to my message posted earlier. The original message was:
"No matter how many times I reset the File view in Windows Explorer to
View, this configuration is changed back to Tiles view after re-booting. I
have set this to Details View in Windows Explorer and in My Computer and
checked that the box "Remember each folder's view settings" is ticked in
Advanced, and that this setting applies to all folders, but even during a
Windows session this can revert to Tiles View at a later time.
Please can anyone suggest a solution to this problem. I have read several
articles referring to this, but none of the supposed remedies appear to work.
Something must be re-setting one or more values in the Registry, but I cannot
find where this is occurring."

I have made all the registry changes that have been suggested by various
people in replies, but nothing I do keeps the Windows Explorer in Details
View. I've deleted the Bag sizes and allowed them to be re-created on a
re-boot, then increased the size by stages up to 50,000 but still the problem
exists. I'm sure there must be a solution out there somewhere, but all of
those suggested seem to rely on changing the Bag size.

Any further answers would be appreciated.


Thanks, but this tweak doesn't apply to my problem. I haven't configured
Explorer to show Attributes, only File Name, File Size, File Type and Date
Accessed. It's just keeping Explorer in Details View is the problem.


Two settings you have to change in Folder Options. Open Windows Explorer,
Pick a folder and set it up the way you want, go to Tools, Folder Options on
the Explorer menu>View tab, choose Apply to all Folders. Then on the same
tab, check 'Remember each folders view settings' so you can change some
individual folder such as Pictures to show Thumbnails or whatever instead of


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