Windows Explorer Visual Basic++ Runtime Error



In Windows XP Pro, when non-Administrator (Power Users)
attempt to open Windows Explorer (or search, My Computer,
etc.), they get Error Message of "Microsoft Visual++
Runtime Library"; "Runtime
error!"; "Program=C:\WINDOWS\explorer.exe""; "This
application has requested that thte Runtime terminate it
in an unusual way. Please contact the application's
support team for assistance"

THe problem developed about a month after installation
and Windows Explorer works fine with "administrator"

Any ideas?


In Windows XP Pro, when non-Administrator (Power Users)
attempt to open Windows Explorer (or search, My Computer,
etc.), they get Error Message of "Microsoft Visual++
Runtime Library"; "Runtime
error!"; "Program=C:\WINDOWS\explorer.exe""; "This
application has requested that thte Runtime terminate it
in an unusual way. Please contact the application's
support team for assistance"

THe problem developed about a month after installation
and Windows Explorer works fine with "administrator"

Any ideas?

No, as there is no Visual Bassic ++. Are you sure it's not referring
to Visual C++?

Linux Lover

Well... I just came across this posting in my desparate search for a
solution to a similar problem. I am getting the same error - except it
is not for IE but rather for a different application - "The Print Shop
Premier Edition 5.0".

(For those who may wonder "You are still using v5.0 when there is
v20.0 available?", let me explain that this program came with my
Epson printer and my kids got used to it, running on XP previously
without any problem before I upgraded their computer and re-installed
the OS and all other apps cleanly. I have no intention to buy the
latest version.)

I tried:
(1) Giving full rights to the Users group in the registry for
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Broderbund Software
(2) Exporting, under Administrator account, HKCU\Software\Broderbund
Software\The Print Shop Family\The Print Shop Premier Edition\5.1 and
then importing it for the other users.
(3) Giving full rights to the Users group for C:\The Print Shop
Products and all subdirectories.

All of the above - to no avail...

I am still researching the problem. If anyone has an idea, I would
appreciate it.


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