Windows Explorer view



Would someone look at their Windows Explorer screen (Win XP SP1a), and tell
me if you see what I see on mine. If I select Folder view and click My
Computer in the left pane, it gives a bold letter heading with a blue
fade-out underline that reads "Files stored on this computer" with two icons
below, then a bold letter heading with a blue fade-out line reading "Hard
Drives" with an icon below, and a third bold letter heading with a blue
fade-out line reading "Devices with removable storage" and icons of my floppy
and CD drives. All the icons have are labeled. This is all correct and has
always been there.

BUT, when I click Local Drive(C:) in the left pane, I ALSO get a bold letter
heading with a blue fade-out underline, and it reads "Unspecified". I do not
believe this had always been there, and only started appearing after I had a
freeze-up problem (at log-on with the CD-WR light flashing) about ten days
ago after uninstalling Genie-Soft's backup utility. I've spent the last ten
days researching and looking for a way to remove this word "Unspecified".

Is it supposed to be there or not. If not, how can I correct it?

Sharon F

Would someone look at their Windows Explorer screen (Win XP SP1a), and tell
me if you see what I see on mine. If I select Folder view and click My
Computer in the left pane, it gives a bold letter heading with a blue
fade-out underline that reads "Files stored on this computer" with two icons
below, then a bold letter heading with a blue fade-out line reading "Hard
Drives" with an icon below, and a third bold letter heading with a blue
fade-out line reading "Devices with removable storage" and icons of my floppy
and CD drives. All the icons have are labeled. This is all correct and has
always been there.

BUT, when I click Local Drive(C:) in the left pane, I ALSO get a bold letter
heading with a blue fade-out underline, and it reads "Unspecified". I do not
believe this had always been there, and only started appearing after I had a
freeze-up problem (at log-on with the CD-WR light flashing) about ten days
ago after uninstalling Genie-Soft's backup utility. I've spent the last ten
days researching and looking for a way to remove this word "Unspecified".

Is it supposed to be there or not. If not, how can I correct it?

What is the title attached to? A drive? A folder? A file? If unable to tell
from the screen you're viewing, try changing the view to Details so that
you get a more complete description of the item.

Also, if you want a more conventional listing in this window, click View>
Arrange Icons and remove the check next to "Show Groups."


Sharon, it's not attached to anything. It's just a title at the top of the
listing, with my folders and files listed below. I've tried all
configurations of the View options. From your answer, I'm surmising that it
is not a normal heading that is supposed to be at the top of my right pane
list. How do I go about finding it's source?

Sharon F

Sharon, it's not attached to anything. It's just a title at the top of the
listing, with my folders and files listed below. I've tried all
configurations of the View options. From your answer, I'm surmising that it
is not a normal heading that is supposed to be at the top of my right pane
list. How do I go about finding it's source?

No, it's not a normal heading. You mentioned uninstalling some backup
software prior to this item's appearance. It's possible that the uninstall
routine did not completely remove this application. The startup freeze may
have been due to a portion of the program that was left behind. That
portion of the program combined with the freeze may also have created the
"Unpspecified" item.

You might try opening the registry editor and search for "unspecified" to
see where it lands. Don't make any changes unless it's obvious that the
keys containing that text string are leftovers from the uninstalled
program. When/if the term is found in the registry, study the key to try
and determine what this is related to. NOTE: You can use View settings to
add a Status bar to the registry editor's window. When Search finds a key
and stops, it will display the registry path in the status bar.

If one key is found, there may be more. Press F3 to repeat the search. If
found, registry editor will stop and display the path again. Repeat the
steps, examining each key as you go. You could post your findings here and
we could try and help you with deciphering the keys. No promises but we can
certainly try to help you figure it out.

You might also check the online documentation for the uninstalled program
or contact their technical support. Since this appeared right after the
program was uninstalled (and a subsequent freeze), it's highly probably
that this is the source of "unspecified."

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