windows explorer unexpected termination


Huck Rorick

Windows Explorer has been giving me a message saying it must close a few
times every day. I am frequently exploring files on a networked computer.
any ideas what the problem could be or what I could do to find out?

thanks for any help,


Gerry Cornell


Please check Event Viewer for Warning / Error Reports in the System
and Application logs for the time the error occurs and post copies.

You can access Event Viewer by selecting Start, Administrative Tools, and
Event Viewer. When researching the meaning of the error, information
regarding Event ID, Source and Description are important.

HOW TO: View and Manage Event Logs in Event Viewer in Windows XP;en-us;308427&sd=tech

Part of the Description of the error will include a link, which you should
click for further information. You can copy using copy and paste.
Often the link will, however, say there is no further information.
(Please note the hyperlink above is for illustration purposes only)

A tip for posting copies of Error Reports! Run Event Viewer and double click
on the error you want to copy. In the window, which appears is a button
resembling two pages. Double click the button and close Event Viewer. Now
start your message (email) and do a paste into the body of the message. This
will paste the info from the Event Viewer Error Report complete with links
into the message. Make sure this is the first paste after exiting from Event


Hope this helps.

Stourport, England

Enquire, plan and execute


Is this where I would post a copy from Event Viewer?

Here is what I got:

Event Type: Error

Event Source: Application Hang

Event Category: (101)

Event ID: 1002

Date: 10/21/2006

Time: 3:08:13 PM

User: N/A



Hanging application explorer.exe, version 6.0.2900.2180, hang module
hungapp, version, hang address 0x00000000.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at


0000: 41 70 70 6c 69 63 61 74 Applicat

0008: 69 6f 6e 20 48 61 6e 67 ion Hang

0010: 20 20 65 78 70 6c 6f 72 explor

0018: 65 72 2e 65 78 65 20 36 er.exe 6

0020: 2e 30 2e 32 39 30 30 2e .0.2900.

0028: 32 31 38 30 20 69 6e 20 2180 in

0030: 68 75 6e 67 61 70 70 20 hungapp

0038: 30 2e 30 2e 30 2e 30 20

0040: 61 74 20 6f 66 66 73 65 at offse

0048: 74 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 t 000000

0050: 30 30 00


It happened again, within a short time, here is the new event info

Event Type: Error

Event Source: Application Hang

Event Category: None

Event ID: 1001

Date: 10/21/2006

Time: 4:28:51 PM

User: N/A



Fault bucket 127043675.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at


0000: 42 75 63 6b 65 74 3a 20 Bucket:

0008: 31 32 37 30 34 33 36 37 12704367

0010: 35 0d 0a 5..

This is happening many times a day.



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