Windows Explorer Title Bar Problem



I'm using Windows XP SP2 (current, all patches/updates applied) and
just started to have a small problem with Windows Explorer. If I use
the /e switch (C:\windows\explorer.exe /e) Explorer starts up with
with C: drive in focus but the title bar has the following text:

Local Disk (C:) - Microsoft Internet Explorer

I'm not sure why it is coming up with Internet Explorer in the title
bar. It behaves normally as Windows Explorer. I've scanned for
viruses, adware, and spyware without finding anything. This started
just after I installed and configured AT&T DSL off of their supplied
installation wizard disk. While this isn't a major issue, I am curious
as to why Windows Explorer now has Internet Explorer in the title bar
only when using the /e switch.


I'm using Windows XP SP2 (current, all patches/updates applied) and
just started to have a small problem with Windows Explorer. If I use
the /e switch (C:\windows\explorer.exe /e) Explorer starts up with
with C: drive in focus but the title bar has the following text:

Local Disk (C:) - Microsoft Internet Explorer

I'm not sure why it is coming up with Internet Explorer in the title
bar. It behaves normally as Windows Explorer. I've scanned for
viruses, adware, and spyware without finding anything. This started
just after I installed and configured  AT&T DSL off of their supplied
installation wizard disk. While this isn't a major issue, I am curious
as to why Windows Explorer now has Internet Explorer in the title bar
only when using the /e switch.


Put a comma after the /e as in:

C:\windows\explorer.exe /e,

Or use this (e.g. in the Target field of a shortcut):
%systemroot%\explorer.exe /e,C:



Put a comma after the /e as in:

C:\windows\explorer.exe /e,

Or use this (e.g. in the Target field of a shortcut):
%systemroot%\explorer.exe /e,C:

Thank you! Just couldn't figure out the inclusion of Internet Explorer
in the title bar.

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