Windows Explorer Malfunctioning - desperate need of help!



On starting up my computer i am getting a windows explorer message saying
'windows explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close' and then my
computer crashes. Can anyone help this novice!

Ron Martell

RobStringer said:
On starting up my computer i am getting a windows explorer message saying
'windows explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close' and then my
computer crashes. Can anyone help this novice!

Does it happen every time?

Have you tried starting the computer in Safe Mode? To start Windows
XP in Safe Mode turn on the computer and start tapping the F8 key
rapidly just as soon as the first information of any kind shows on the
screen. Keep tapping rapidly until the Windows XP Startup Menu
appears and then choose "Safe Mode" from the menu.

If the computer will boot okay in Safe Mode then use Start - All
Programs - System Tools - System Restore and choose the most recent
restore point that is prior to the onset of your problem.

Good luck

Ron Martell Duncan B.C. Canada
Microsoft MVP
On-Line Help Computer Service

In memory of a dear friend Alex Nichol MVP


Thanks Ron. Yes it does happen every time. I am not very good at explaining
what is happening. I have tried system restore but it seems it was turned
off. Windows does seem to start up normally but this message flashes up
everytime after about 15-20 seconds. At this point the computer appears to
crash but any window that i have opened in that 15-20 seconds, (eg internet
explorer or my documents) i can carry on as usual, but i can;t open a new
window or access the start menu. If i close the 'we need to close window' i
can open a new window in the 15-20 seconds that it takes to come back.

Thanks for all your help - can you suggest any new ideas?
Rob Stringer

Ron Martell

Rob Stringer said:
Thanks Ron. Yes it does happen every time. I am not very good at explaining
what is happening. I have tried system restore but it seems it was turned
off. Windows does seem to start up normally but this message flashes up
everytime after about 15-20 seconds. At this point the computer appears to
crash but any window that i have opened in that 15-20 seconds, (eg internet
explorer or my documents) i can carry on as usual, but i can;t open a new
window or access the start menu. If i close the 'we need to close window' i
can open a new window in the 15-20 seconds that it takes to come back.

Thanks for all your help - can you suggest any new ideas?
Rob Stringer
If System Restore is not available then your next best option would be
to do a Repair Install of Windows XP.

A Repair Install will preserve your user data files, installed
applications, and configuration settings. However Windows Updates
will have to be reinstalled.

See for detailed

Note that if your Windows XP is on a "System Recovery" disk provided
by a the computer manufacture, or in a separate hidden "System
Recovery" partition on your hard drive then you probably will not be
able to do a Repair Install. If that is your situation then post a
response back here and we will try something else.

Good luck

Ron Martell Duncan B.C. Canada
Microsoft MVP
On-Line Help Computer Service

In memory of a dear friend Alex Nichol MVP


Hi Ron, thanks again for replying so quickly - windows XP is indeed on a
system recovery disk! ???

Ron Martell

Rob Stringer said:
Hi Ron, thanks again for replying so quickly - windows XP is indeed on a
system recovery disk! ???

Okay. We are rapidly running out of ideas and options here.

Here are some things to mull over.

1. You seem to have another functioning computer, or at least access
to one. If so then would you be comfortable with the task of removing
the hard drive from the problem computer, installing it temporarily as
a second hard drive in the functioning computer, and then using that
second computer to scan the hard drive for virusus, trojans, etc.?
Because I do suspect that this may be the underlying cause of your
problems. But with the computer in the state that you describe it is
going to be extremely difficult if not impossible to install, update,
and run the several different antivirus and antispyware apps that are
likely going to be needed to clean it up.

2. The "ultimate" option is to use your System Recovery disk, wipe
out the hard drive completely, and start over with a factory fresh
copy of Windows. This would involve reinstalling all of your apps and
redoing all of the Windows Updates. We could probably preserve your
data files and configuration settings by using the Files and Settings
Transfer wizard. Does the problem computer have a CDRW or DVD burner
drive? If not then is that computer networked with any other
computers where a (large) file could be saved?

Good luck

Ron Martell Duncan B.C. Canada
Microsoft MVP
On-Line Help Computer Service

In memory of a dear friend Alex Nichol MVP

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