Windows Defender keeps stopping


Mark T.

I have Windows XP SP2, my processor is 735Mhz and my RAM memory is 368 MB.

My copy of Windows Defender keeps stopping and I've tried to go to the
Sevices program to manually restrart it, but seconds later, it stops again.
Also, I tried

shutting down the computer, but still Defender keeps stopping.

If anyone can help me solve this problem, I appreciate it.

Thank you,
Mark T.


If you need any info on my copy of Defender, I hope what's below helps.

Windows Defender Version: 1.1.1593.0
Engine Version: 1.1.2607.0
Definition Version: 1.19.2720.2


Mark T. said:
I have Windows XP SP2, my processor is 735Mhz and my RAM memory is 368 MB.

My copy of Windows Defender keeps stopping and I've tried to go to the
Sevices program to manually restrart it, but seconds later, it stops again.
Also, I tried

shutting down the computer, but still Defender keeps stopping.

If anyone can help me solve this problem, I appreciate it.

Download a free version of AVG Spyware and run it.

Some malware will stop defender (and other prevention programs) and it
sure reads like that's what's happening to you.

At 735mhz AVG will own your computer until it's done it's scan.

Lord Maximus the mad

Mark T. aka (e-mail address removed),after much thought,came up with this
I have Windows XP SP2, my processor is 735Mhz and my RAM memory is
368 MB.

My copy of Windows Defender keeps stopping and I've tried to go to
the Sevices program to manually restrart it, but seconds later, it
stops again.

There are better products out there. Try Spyware Terminator.
You may be infected already. Read through my general removal
instructions below. Prevention is key. On a side note,your system could
use a bit more ram.

My Pages:
Virus Removal Instructions:
Keeping Windows Clean:
Change to to reply. is
specifically setup for USENET.Feel free to use it yourself.
Always remember - only download files from Trusted Sites.


in message
My copy of Windows Defender keeps stopping ...

Post to the group using
Microsoft's NNTP server (account name
"privatenews\spyware", password "spyware" in all lowercase).


Vanguard said:
Pennywise wrote in message

How is a 30-day trial version considered freeware? It is trialware.
"free of charge, for an UNLIMITED time"

Of course, free download, 30 days to use it, and don't let it call out
after that 30 days or it will disable itself. (That's what the manual
updates are for).

The suggestion was to hopeful fix the problem he has now. What he does
after that?

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