windows app vs web based app


Robert Lie

Dear All,

I want to develop enterprise scale application.
From the performance perspective, which one is better web based
application or windows based application?

Is there any white paper about it?


Robert Lie


it depends on what you mean by performance... is it developing performance
or execution performance? for execution performance, I'd say winforms
(windows app) for sure... for developing performance, once you get used to
it, webforms (web based) is pretty straight forward...

Kevin Spencer

A Web application involves HTTP, so it is definitely going to perform
slower. What exactly are your requirements? If you have Visual Studio.Net
2005, you can create an application with ClickOnce deployment, which creates
an app that updates itself automatically when needed.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
You can lead a fish to a bicycle,
but it takes a very long time,
and the bicycle has to *want* to change.

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