windows and linux together? or just windows? part 3



and this is the final part of my message..

3. if i decide to dump linux, can you suggest me links where i can find
technical information (or if you wanna tell me here on this forum i'd
appreciate) about how to format the linux partition and resize the windows
partition to take all the 30 gigas of my HD? if i resize windows partition
can i loose all the documentation in "my documents"? from the first time i
reinstalled everything i discovered "my documents" was untouched. Still am
gonna do back up of all my info on the laptop

4. if i decide to keep linux and get it operational ? can you suggest me
links about how still resize the linux partition? i want to reduce it to 5
gigas cuz 15 gigas its too much disk space wasted (specially if am not gonna
store my main info there, i;ll do that in windows). Can i still lose info in
"my documents"?

thanks for your answers

Carey Frisch [MVP]

All you need for an excellent eXPerience is to install Windows XP
on one partition. You do not need a sub-standard O/S such as Linux.

How to Remove Linux and Install Windows XP­efault.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;3144­58

How to Remove the Linux LILO Boot Manager;en-us;315224&Product=winxp

Clean Install Windows XP

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User
Microsoft Newsgroups

Get Windows XP Service Pack 2 with Advanced Security Technologies:


"roberto" wrote:

| and this is the final part of my message..
| 3. if i decide to dump linux, can you suggest me links where i can find
| technical information (or if you wanna tell me here on this forum i'd
| appreciate) about how to format the linux partition and resize the windows
| partition to take all the 30 gigas of my HD? if i resize windows partition
| can i loose all the documentation in "my documents"? from the first time i
| reinstalled everything i discovered "my documents" was untouched. Still am
| gonna do back up of all my info on the laptop
| 4. if i decide to keep linux and get it operational ? can you suggest me
| links about how still resize the linux partition? i want to reduce it to 5
| gigas cuz 15 gigas its too much disk space wasted (specially if am not gonna
| store my main info there, i;ll do that in windows). Can i still lose info in
| "my documents"?
| thanks for your answers
| Roberto


Do the words narrow-minded, blinkers or proselytizing mean anything to you?
It is clear that you would be a nobody in life, since you don't acknowledge
the fact that competition could exist, or exists. Even an employee of MS
wouldn't dismiss Linux as 'a sub-standard OS'.


roberto said:
and this is the final part of my message..

3. if i decide to dump linux, can you suggest me links where i can
find technical information (or if you wanna tell me here on this forum
i'd appreciate) about how to format the linux partition and resize the
windows partition to take all the 30 gigas of my HD? if i resize
windows partition can i loose all the documentation in "my documents"?
from the first time i reinstalled everything i discovered "my
documents" was untouched. Still am gonna do back up of all my info on
the laptop

4. if i decide to keep linux and get it operational ? can you suggest
me links about how still resize the linux partition? i want to reduce
it to 5 gigas cuz 15 gigas its too much disk space wasted (specially
if am not gonna store my main info there, i;ll do that in windows).
Can i still lose info in "my documents"?
Roberto, search for your name in this group using Google Groups Advanced
Search. You have lots of other answers in your previous posts. If you
can't learn to use newsgroups (and I've given you information about
doing that in an earlier post), you're going to have a really hard time
learning a new operating system.

Read the answers you have already gotten. Decide what you'd like to do.
Take the machine to a shop and have them set it up the way you want,
correctly. If you decide to keep the dual boot, great. Use Google to
research how to use Linux. Start with the homepage of whatever distro
you have installed. Then if you have questions about Linux, post in a
Linux newsgroup. There are plenty of newsreaders for Linux, too.

Good luck,



join us on and learn more about this "sub-standard" OS.
btw, Carey, are you sure you aren't getting linux confused with windows as
the "sub-standard OS".


roberto said:
and this is the final part of my message..

3. if i decide to dump linux, can you suggest me links where i can
find technical information (or if you wanna tell me here on this
forum i'd appreciate) about how to format the linux partition and
resize the windows partition to take all the 30 gigas of my HD? if i
resize windows partition can i loose all the documentation in "my
documents"? from the first time i reinstalled everything i discovered
"my documents" was untouched. Still am gonna do back up of all my
info on the laptop

4. if i decide to keep linux and get it operational ? can you suggest
me links about how still resize the linux partition? i want to reduce
it to 5 gigas cuz 15 gigas its too much disk space wasted (specially
if am not gonna store my main info there, i;ll do that in windows).
Can i still lose info in "my documents"?

thanks for your answers

The only link you really need is

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"


SC said:
Do the words narrow-minded, blinkers or proselytizing mean anything
to you? It is clear that you would be a nobody in life, since you don't
acknowledge the fact that competition could exist, or exists. Even an
of MS wouldn't dismiss Linux as 'a sub-standard OS'.

Of course not. Linux is a knock-off of a forty-year-old operating system
designed by a money-losing division of your local phone company. Linux was
primarily designed for those who think the DOS Command line is not confusing

Linux is not competition - it is a hazard. If you persuade the bosses to let
you install Linux and something goes wrong, cover yourself with jelly
because you're toast. Nobody ever got fired for using Micros~1.

In the interest of full disclosure, I own a shit-load of Micros~1 stock, but
that in no way colors anything, even in spite of a nice $6,000.00 checky-poo
last fall.

Steve N.

Carey said:
All you need for an excellent eXPerience is to install Windows XP
on one partition. You do not need a sub-standard O/S such as Linux.

You've never used Linux, have you Carey?

There is nothing sub-standard about modern Linux distros nor any I've
used in the last several years, it's just not Microsoft Windows (which
is obviously your "standard") and was never intended to be.

The only thing sub-standard in this thread is your reply to it.



From his spyware and virus infected Windoze box, HeyBub had this to say:
Of course not. Linux is a knock-off of a forty-year-old operating system

And Windoze has the same roots, except MickeyMouse couldn't get it right.

David R. Norton MVP

roberto said:
and this is the final part of my message..

You see what I mean when I said before you'd really started something?

Hang around said:
3. if i decide to dump linux, can you suggest me links where i can find
technical information (or if you wanna tell me here on this forum i'd
appreciate) about how to format the linux partition and resize the
windows partition to take all the 30 gigas of my HD? if i resize windows
partition can i loose all the documentation in "my documents"? from the
first time i reinstalled everything i discovered "my documents" was
untouched. Still am gonna do back up of all my info on the laptop

To dump Linux just format the partition it's on, that's all you need to
do. To safely resize partitions w/o losing any data you'll need 3rd party
software. I've had very good luck with Partition Commander, you'll find
it at
4. if i decide to keep linux and get it operational ? can you suggest me
links about how still resize the linux partition? i want to reduce it to
5 gigas cuz 15 gigas its too much disk space wasted (specially if am not
gonna store my main info there, i;ll do that in windows). Can i still
lose info in "my documents"?

To restore the Linux boot manager that was overwritten when you installed XP
follow the instructions in my previous post and then you can use Partition
Commander to resize the partitons.

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