windows and linux together? or just windows? part 1


Guest seems that for a reason my original large message is deleted after
being in this forum for a couple of minutes so i will split it in three
parts..and see what happens..maybe its cuz is too long.

Part 1
i just want to say that am not an expert at all in these subjects but i
tried to do some research and i think now i can ask proper questions.
Now i have two partitions in my laptop (dell inspiron 1100, 30gigas HD,
pentium 4) for linux and windows (15 gigas e/o), these partitions were set by
a very knowledgeable guy.

This guy told me that my laptop wouldnt support the new windows versions in
5 years therefore my laptop would be useless; however if i used linux my
laptop would be operable for many years, and i could use simulation programs
that would allow me to open different kind of files normally used on windows
(xls, doc, pdf files etc)
1. is that statement true?

Convinced by that statement i decided to let him install both systems, and i
started learning the basics for linux, apparently my friend installed a very
complicated version (the one he always used and it was a variation of GNOME)
of that system cuz i couldnt do anything by myself (while using the kernel)
and all the time i had to ask him. Well all of the sudden he went back to
Denmark and i rarely used linux, later i had a problem with my XP and i had
to reinstall it again and i losed the option to choose from which O/S to
start the booting, now it starts in windows all the time(but i know linux is
there using the 15 gigas partition).

my message (with more questions) will continue in the next message

Carey Frisch [MVP]

All you need for an excellent eXPerience is to install Windows XP
on one partition. You do not need a sub-standard O/S such as Linux.

How to Remove Linux and Install Windows XP­efault.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;3144­58

How to Remove the Linux LILO Boot Manager;en-us;315224&Product=winxp

Clean Install Windows XP

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User
Microsoft Newsgroups

Get Windows XP Service Pack 2 with Advanced Security Technologies:



| seems that for a reason my original large message is deleted after
| being in this forum for a couple of minutes so i will split it in three
| parts..and see what happens..maybe its cuz is too long.
| Part 1
| hello
| i just want to say that am not an expert at all in these subjects but i
| tried to do some research and i think now i can ask proper questions.
| Now i have two partitions in my laptop (dell inspiron 1100, 30gigas HD,
| pentium 4) for linux and windows (15 gigas e/o), these partitions were set by
| a very knowledgeable guy.
| This guy told me that my laptop wouldnt support the new windows versions in
| 5 years therefore my laptop would be useless; however if i used linux my
| laptop would be operable for many years, and i could use simulation programs
| that would allow me to open different kind of files normally used on windows
| (xls, doc, pdf files etc)
| Questions:
| 1. is that statement true?
| Convinced by that statement i decided to let him install both systems, and i
| started learning the basics for linux, apparently my friend installed a very
| complicated version (the one he always used and it was a variation of GNOME)
| of that system cuz i couldnt do anything by myself (while using the kernel)
| and all the time i had to ask him. Well all of the sudden he went back to
| Denmark and i rarely used linux, later i had a problem with my XP and i had
| to reinstall it again and i losed the option to choose from which O/S to
| start the booting, now it starts in windows all the time(but i know linux is
| there using the 15 gigas partition).
| my message (with more questions) will continue in the next message


From his spyware and virus infected Windoze box, Carey Frisch [MVP] had
this to say:
All you need for an excellent eXPerience is to install Windows XP
on one partition. You do not need a sub-standard O/S such as Linux.

Carey as usual has everything backasswards.

Carey Frisch [MVP]

From his spyware/malware/virus infected Linux box, "NoStop" had
this to say: NULL - nothing to contribute except to TROLL.


Carey said:
All you need for an excellent eXPerience is to install Windows XP
on one partition. You do not need a sub-standard O/S such as Linux.

How to Remove Linux and Install Windows XP­efault.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;3144­58

How to Remove the Linux LILO Boot Manager;en-us;315224&Product=winxp

Clean Install Windows XP

Carey - There is absolutely no reason for advocacy posts, especially
such an ignorant one. Roberto - really the best thing for you to do is
run the operating system that 1) will meet your needs; 2) you are
familiar and happy with; 3) and where you will have support when
needed. If your friend is gone and there is no one to help you with
Linux, then Linux is not the right choice for you. From what you have
posted, I don't think Linux *is* the right choice for you. There is no
reason for you to feel bad about this.

It is possible to use light-weight window managers on Linux or run the
operating system without a graphical user interface at all. In that
case, you can run it on older hardware. If you want to use Gnome or KDE
as a window manager, you will need a fairly fast processor and lots of
RAM, just like you need for Windows XP.

Since you have a laptop, you should restore it to factory condition
which means running Windows. If you are unsure how to do that, refer to
your laptop manual or look on the laptop mftr.'s website for tech
support. Or take the laptop to a local computer professional and have
them do the restore. Again, do not feel bad about this.

As for your posting problems, use a newsreader. There are lots of good
newsreaders for Windows, but you already have Outlook Express. Here is
information about using newsgroups: - a brief
explanation of newsgroups
- Set Up Newsreader - list of MS newsgroups - MS group to test if your newsreader is
working properly - how to munge email address - multiposting vs.


David Candy

I take credit for the new carey. My years of modeling the correct behaviour is paying off.


Carey Frisch said:
From his spyware/malware/virus infected Linux box, "NoStop" had
this to say: NULL - nothing to contribute except to TROLL.

And speaking of trolls....I realize this is a MS/Windows newsgroup and all,
but why is Linux a sub-standard operating system? I personally still prefer
Windows over Linux but both OSes have their strengths and weaknesses.

Carey Frisch [MVP]

There have been quite a bit more newsgroup posts asking how
to remove Linux after users became fed-up with its quirks
and incompatibility with Microsoft programs.

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User
Microsoft Newsgroups

Get Windows XP Service Pack 2 with Advanced Security Technologies:


"GO" wrote:

| And speaking of trolls....I realize this is a MS/Windows newsgroup and all,
| but why is Linux a sub-standard operating system? I personally still prefer
| Windows over Linux but both OSes have their strengths and weaknesses.


Malke said:;en-us;315224&Product=winxp

Carey - There is absolutely no reason for advocacy posts, especially
such an ignorant one. Roberto - really the best thing for you to do is
run the operating system that 1) will meet your needs; 2) you are
familiar and happy with; 3) and where you will have support when
needed. If your friend is gone and there is no one to help you with
Linux, then Linux is not the right choice for you. From what you have
posted, I don't think Linux *is* the right choice for you. There is no
reason for you to feel bad about this.

It is possible to use light-weight window managers on Linux or run the
operating system without a graphical user interface at all. In that
case, you can run it on older hardware. If you want to use Gnome or KDE
as a window manager, you will need a fairly fast processor and lots of
RAM, just like you need for Windows XP.

Since you have a laptop, you should restore it to factory condition
which means running Windows. If you are unsure how to do that, refer to
your laptop manual or look on the laptop mftr.'s website for tech
support. Or take the laptop to a local computer professional and have
them do the restore. Again, do not feel bad about this.

As for your posting problems, use a newsreader. There are lots of good
newsreaders for Windows, but you already have Outlook Express. Here is
information about using newsgroups: - a brief
explanation of newsgroups
- Set Up Newsreader - list of MS newsgroups - MS group to test if your newsreader is
working properly - how to munge email address - multiposting vs.

MS-MVP Windows User/Shell
Elephant Boy Computers
"Don't Panic"

Nice to see that a MS MVP can post something intelligent! :) Good post!

I would also like to add that if you are not running short of hard drive
space there is no harm in leaving the dual-boot scenario that you have. You
can use which ever OS you are most comfortable with (in this case I'm
assuming Windows) and boot into the other from time to time to play and


Neither of your statements makes Linux a sub-standard OS. Windows has it's
share of quirks, and why would MS programs be compatible with Linux in the
first place? It's the same as OSX (Mac) software being incompatible with


From his spyware and virus infected Windoze box, Carey Frisch [MVP] had
this to say:
There have been quite a bit more newsgroup posts asking how
to remove Linux after users became fed-up with its quirks
and incompatibility with Microsoft programs.
And Carey fails to see the thousands of postings around this newsgroup about
how XP has crapped out on users' computers or become infected with trojans,
spyware and viruses making the computers unusable.

Of course Linux isn't "compatible" with Microsoft programs. One wouldn't
expect it to be. It's another and BETTER operating system. In fact, Linux
is more compatible with Windoze (can read Windoze disks for example) than
Windoze is compatible with Linux. (braindead in terms of reading Linux


Do the words narrow-minded, blinkers or proselytizing mean anything to you?
It is clear that you would be a nobody in life, since you don't acknowledge
the fact that competition could exist, or exists. Even an employee of MS
wouldn't dismiss Linux as 'a sub-standard OS'.


GO said:
Nice to see that a MS MVP can post something intelligent! :) Good

I would also like to add that if you are not running short of hard
space there is no harm in leaving the dual-boot scenario that you
have. You can use which ever OS you are most comfortable with (in
this case I'm assuming Windows) and boot into the other from time to
time to play and learn.

The problem with dual booting for the OP is that he had to reinstall
Windows or do some sort of repair install (we don't really know since
his post isn't too clear) and he's lost the Linux bootloader. I don't
think he's going to be able to fix that on his own. So sure, he could
take it to a shop and have them fix the dual boot and have the pleasure
of both operating systems. But based on his post, do you think that's
really going to work for him? I don't. But since it is all about
choice, now Roberto has some answers and can make some informed
decisions. If he can even find these posts since he's using the
dreadful CDO interface.



roberto said: seems that for a reason my original large message is deleted
after being in this forum for a couple of minutes so i will split it
in three parts..and see what happens..maybe its cuz is too long.

Maybe it's because it is off-topic.
Part 1
i just want to say that am not an expert at all in these subjects but
i tried to do some research and i think now i can ask proper
Now i have two partitions in my laptop (dell inspiron 1100, 30gigas
HD, pentium 4) for linux and windows (15 gigas e/o), these partitions
were set by a very knowledgeable guy.

This guy told me that my laptop wouldnt support the new windows
versions in 5 years therefore my laptop would be useless; however if
i used linux my laptop would be operable for many years, and i could
use simulation programs that would allow me to open different kind of
files normally used on windows (xls, doc, pdf files etc)
1. is that statement true?

Don't know, the next version of Windows is not even in Beta.

The most likely reason that your laptop will be useless in 5 years is
that you have dropped it too many times.
Convinced by that statement i decided to let him install both
systems, and i started learning the basics for linux, apparently my
friend installed a very complicated version (the one he always used
and it was a variation of GNOME)

Gnone isn't really a version of Linux, it is a GUI that sits on top of
the Linux kernel.

But this ain't the place to be learning about Linux.
of that system cuz i couldnt do
anything by myself (while using the kernel) and all the time i had to
ask him. Well all of the sudden he went back to Denmark and i rarely
used linux, later i had a problem with my XP and i had to reinstall
it again and i losed the option to choose from which O/S to start the
booting, now it starts in windows all the time(but i know linux is
there using the 15 gigas partition).

And your question is?
my message (with more questions) will continue in the next message

Most of your questions can be answered by searching Google. I suggest
you try that before posting here again.

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"


David said:
I take credit for the new carey. My years of modeling the correct
behaviour is paying off.

LOL! Unfortunately, the "New" Carey is as dimwitted as the old one.

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"


Carey said:
There have been quite a bit more newsgroup posts asking how
to remove Linux after users became fed-up with its quirks
and incompatibility with Microsoft programs.

As I suspected, Carey's opinion posts are rarely an opinion based on his
own personal experience, but is based on him being a total MicroSlut.

If he didn't get Windows pre-installed with his computer, I doubt he has
the intelligence to install it on his own!

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"

Winux P

How many more sCarey Freak?

Is there anything special in becoming an MVP? If sCarey can do then so can,
Noooooooooo! I'll drop that thought.

-Winux P


From his spyware and virus infected Windoze box, Winux P had this to say:
How many more sCarey Freak?

Is there anything special in becoming an MVP? If sCarey can do then so
can, Noooooooooo! I'll drop that thought.

-Winux P


Malke said:
Carey - There is absolutely no reason for advocacy posts, especially
such an ignorant one. Roberto - really the best thing for you to do is
run the operating system that 1) will meet your needs; 2) you are
familiar and happy with; 3) and where you will have support when
needed. If your friend is gone and there is no one to help you with
Linux, then Linux is not the right choice for you. From what you have
posted, I don't think Linux *is* the right choice for you. There is no
reason for you to feel bad about this.

It is possible to use light-weight window managers on Linux or run the
operating system without a graphical user interface at all. In that
case, you can run it on older hardware. If you want to use Gnome or KDE
as a window manager, you will need a fairly fast processor and lots of
RAM, just like you need for Windows XP.

Since you have a laptop, you should restore it to factory condition
which means running Windows. If you are unsure how to do that, refer to
your laptop manual or look on the laptop mftr.'s website for tech
support. Or take the laptop to a local computer professional and have
them do the restore. Again, do not feel bad about this.

As for your posting problems, use a newsreader. There are lots of good
newsreaders for Windows, but you already have Outlook Express. Here is
information about using newsgroups: - a brief
explanation of newsgroups
- Set Up Newsreader - list of MS newsgroups - MS group to test if your newsreader is
working properly - how to munge email address - multiposting vs.

MS-MVP Windows User/Shell
Elephant Boy Computers
"Don't Panic"

Well said! You actually addressed the question that this gentleman had. I
swear, sometimes the OS wars can get as rhetorically heated as people
discussing religion.

As a user of 4 OS's on my box (XP pro, XP 64, Fedora Core 4, Gentoo), I can
categorically state that none of them will save anyone's soul.

Having said that, roberto, if you're still curious to give linux another
try, there are distributions that are much easier to learn than others.

I recommend Mepis 3.3.1 for ease of install, plus it's a "Live" distro,
which means you can run it from the CD/DVD before you install it to your hard
drive, a good way to kick the tires.

Check out and look up Mepis, they'll have
download links, reviews, etc.

Good luck!

Mike Fields

tahuya_rat said:
Well said! You actually addressed the question that this gentleman had. I
swear, sometimes the OS wars can get as rhetorically heated as people
discussing religion.

You need to understand -- for some it *is* a religion ...

Best sig line a while back --
"Finally found the service pack for NT that fixes all the bugs ... Linux"

mikey (who likes multiple OS's )

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