Windows Aero



Hi Everyone

Has anyone had any issues with windows aero? When I logon to vista windows
aero will work for about 10 mins and then just stop. When I do the windows
key and tab it just tabs across like to different fields as though i'm just
pushing tab without the windows key. Anyone know what the deal with this is?



Zeusi said:
Hi Everyone

Has anyone had any issues with windows aero? When I logon to vista windows
aero will work for about 10 mins and then just stop. When I do the windows
key and tab it just tabs across like to different fields as though i'm
just pushing tab without the windows key. Anyone know what the deal with
this is?

That sounds normal. It was never meant to operate longer than 10 minutes
becasue that's the attention span of people who need to look at things like

Either that or . . .

Cha-ching! Hear that cash register ring! You need more memory and a new
video card because you're maxing your system through a memory leak in Aero.


I have 1gb of memory and a 256mb radeon x600. What do you suggest I get?

Windows live messenger stopped working as well for some bizaare reason so I
had to start using trillian which is a big pain in the arse.

Glenn Shaw

I have 1gb of memory and a 256mb radeon x600. What do you suggest I

According to ATI, the Radeon X600 should work fine under Vista. I'd check
to make sure that you have up-to-date drivers for the Radeon.

Diamontina Cocktail

Zeusi said:
Hi Everyone

Has anyone had any issues with windows aero? When I logon to vista windows
aero will work for about 10 mins and then just stop. When I do the windows
key and tab it just tabs across like to different fields as though i'm
just pushing tab without the windows key. Anyone know what the deal with
this is?


More than likely either some 3rd party screen saver or something you are
running. Eg, when I use Quicktime, Aero turns off.

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