Windows 7 is a desperate attempt to replace Windows Vista



"The most common comment I've read lately is that Microsoft has accelerated
the development schedule of Windows 7 in a desperate attempt to replace
Windows Vista. Dave Methvin at Information Week argues that Windows 7 may
mean Vista's "early demise." APC Mag speculates on the meaning of this
"early release," complete with a screenshot it calls "probably fake."
Randall Kennedy at InfoWorld piles onto the meme with this prediction:

Will Microsoft ship Windows 7 early in an effort to salvage its enterprise
reputation? I'm guessing yes, if for no other reason than they can. It won't
take a major engineering effort to turn the ashes of Vista (which, despite
its reputation, did incorporate some good ideas) into a solid OS that
corporate IT actually wants.

read the full article here


Ed Bott is an award-winning technology writer with more than two decades'
experience writing for mainstream media outlets and online publications. See
his full profile and disclosure of his industry affiliations.

See his full profile

Bill Yanaire

Ron said:

"The most common comment I've read lately is that Microsoft has
the development schedule of Windows 7 in a desperate attempt to replace
Windows Vista. Dave Methvin at Information Week argues that Windows 7 may
mean Vista's "early demise." APC Mag speculates on the meaning of this
"early release," complete with a screenshot it calls "probably fake."
Randall Kennedy at InfoWorld piles onto the meme with this prediction:

Will Microsoft ship Windows 7 early in an effort to salvage its enterprise
reputation? I'm guessing yes, if for no other reason than they can. It
won't take a major engineering effort to turn the ashes of Vista (which,
despite its reputation, did incorporate some good ideas) into a solid OS
that corporate IT actually wants.

read the full article here
So you are excited by this? Go outside and play. Who cares about the next
version of Windows coming out in 2 years. It's about as interesting as the
Presidential race on TV.



Ron said:

"The most common comment I've read lately is that Microsoft has accelerated
the development schedule of Windows 7 in a desperate attempt to replace
Windows Vista. Dave Methvin at Information Week argues that Windows 7 may
mean Vista's "early demise." APC Mag speculates on the meaning of this
"early release," complete with a screenshot it calls "probably fake."
Randall Kennedy at InfoWorld piles onto the meme with this prediction:

Will Microsoft ship Windows 7 early in an effort to salvage its enterprise
reputation? I'm guessing yes, if for no other reason than they can. It won't
take a major engineering effort to turn the ashes of Vista (which, despite
its reputation, did incorporate some good ideas) into a solid OS that
corporate IT actually wants.

read the full article here
Most salient though:

"I certainly don’t expect any big changes in Windows 7. In fact, I’m
willing to bet that one of its key design goals is that any driver or
app written for Windows Vista must work perfectly on Windows 7. All of
the compatibility and reliability fixes that have already gone into
Windows Vista will be part of Windows 7 from day 1, making it much less
likely that users will experience the sorts of headaches that early
adopters experienced in the first six months after Vista’s release.

I expect to see Internet Explorer 8, a bunch of new digital media
features, and some tweaking of User Account Control to make it less
obtrusive. Mary Jo is right to call this “a smaller, more finite
release,” not a big bang like Vista. Those who are predicting that
Windows 7 will include some radically stripped-down kernel (the
so-called MinWin project) or a new file system are missing the point



Bill said:
So you are excited by this? Go outside and play. Who cares about the next
version of Windows coming out in 2 years. It's about as interesting as the
Presidential race on TV.


I'm more interested in the new version of Ubuntu that comes out *every
six months* and just gets better and better.



any driver or
app written for Windows Vista must work perfectly on Windows 7

Now that would nice, would be a first in M$ history. Maybe they've
learn their lesson after the Vista disaster.


Frank said:
hehehe...when do you think it will be ready to actually use...5, 10 or
more yrs...LOL!

I've been using it for over a year and it's ready, much more ready than
Vista ever will be.


Brian W

Alias said:
I've been using it for over a year and it's ready, much more ready than
Vista ever will be.
When I tried it, my TV card wouldn't work, so I couldn't watch HDTV. It
works fine in Vista, even 64-bit drivers have been made available.

Bill Yanaire

Alias said:
I've been using it for over a year and it's ready, much more ready than
Vista ever will be.


So if they have to come out with a new version every 6 months that means it
ISN'T ready and they are just throwing crap together. Maybe in 10 years,
Linux will have 4% of the market. Don't hold your breath.


Alias said:
I've been using it for over a year and it's ready, much more ready than
Vista ever will be.

You know that all of us who have tried ubuntu know that is just not
true. In fact, thats where you got the handle, mr lair from.
Try fooling someone else on some other subject, cause you ain't fooling
anyone on this one.


Bill said:
So if they have to come out with a new version every 6 months that means
ISN'T ready and they are just throwing crap together. Maybe in 10 years,
Linux will have 4% of the market. Don't hold your breath.

You have it all wrong Bill Yawn, which is typical when it comes to you. 6
months between new versions is spelled INNOVATION. Ubuntu is a bleeding
edge distro and is in a constant state of adding *new* features. Unlike in
the Windoze world, where one has to wait years before Microsoft gets around
to offering a new version, in the Ubuntu world the versions come out on a
scheduled 6 months basis. Hence we see such things as compiz-fusion which
beats all other desktops in the Windoze or Apple world, when it comes to a
useful 3d desktop. For those users who don't want to live on the bleeding
edge and want to wait for innovation, Ubuntu releases what are called LTS
versions (long term support). Companies will typically select LTS versions,
as they aren't as concerned about speedy innovations as they are about rock
solid stability which meets their needs now and guarantees them many years
of support on their installations.

As to your claim that "they are just throwing crap together", sorry but you
got that wrong. You must be referring to Vista. Every version of Ubuntu
that has come out has just gotten better and has been much appreciated
within the Ubuntu Community. Everybody knows that Microsoft just threw out
Vista for marketing purposes as it was getting way past time that a *new*
Windoze version be released. They were starting to look bad with the delays
in the next Windoze, so cobbled together what has proven to be a p.o.s. toy
operating system.


Frank's Brain Activity Plotted (watch the red line):

Frank's Corporate Headquarters: Business Sign on his Bedroom Door ...

Frank - seek help immediately! Visit ...


NoStop wrote:

....just more of his delusional lies and urbuttoo bullsh*t.
Nostop, aka doris, is a known linux lying troll. He can't afford Vista
(he's broke and unemployable!) so he's extremely jealous of all who have
Vista, the very best OS available today!


Frank said:
NoStop wrote:

...just more of his delusional lies and urbuttoo bullsh*t.
Nostop, aka doris, is a known linux lying troll. He can't afford Vista
(he's broke and unemployable!) so he's extremely jealous of all who have
Vista, the very best OS available today!

Looks like your debating skills haven't improved. Must be the head injury
you suffered in the great war. So sad. So pathetic. But also, a bit funny,
as your advocacy for Vista says all one has to know about Vista. If the
brain injured like YOU love Vista, it tells us all we need to know about
Vista. Do you like dog shit on your corn flakes?


PS. Frankie Boy, read my sig. It's there to help YOU. Can't use "Navigator"
then use "IE".

Frank's Brain Activity Plotted (watch the red line):

Frank's Corporate Headquarters: Business Sign on his Bedroom Door ...

Frank - seek help immediately! Visit ...