Windows 2003 Std and /3gb switch



Hi guys,
Does any one know of any issues in regards to running /3GB on Windows 2003
Standard Edition with Exchange 2003 Enterprise ?
Will /3GB work on Windows 2003 Standard Edition?
I've also post the same question to vendor (DELL) and I'm waiting a
response. From MS web site I read that MS W2k3 St Edt with /3gb should be
used only in testing and lab env.

Thanks for any your response


John John

How far away is this implementation? Get 64 bit ready hardware (Xeon
EMT64 or AMD Opeteron) and get Server x64. Exchange x64 is scheduled
for release later this year or early nest year. You will then have all
the memory available for the apps and the /3gb switch issue will be
mute. In any case, get x64 hardware, the ones suggested above are both
32 and 64 bit compatible, be ready for the 64 bit platforms! Of course
these x64 server editions are fairly new so they may have a few bugs
that need ironing...


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