Windows 2003 server IIS 6.0, having problems...Plz help needed......




I have a web service that i created in IIS 5.1,on windows xp. it has a
method "stopservice"
in which im stopping the aspnet_wp.exe,to clean all resources.And im
using a boolean set to true so that after that if anyone access the
service, it will give an error that service needs to start again.I also
have a "startservice" method in which all necessary initialization
The boolean is initialized to false in global.ascx file and is set to
true in startservice.And then to false in stopservice. And im chking
that boolean to chk if service is started or not.
It all worked fine on winxp with IIS 5.1.

Now, the problem im having is that when i migrated this webservice to
windows 2003 server, with IIS 6.0, something wierd started to happen.

The service is stopping after sometime....

Meaning the boolean which is set to true at startservice, is getting
false again after sometime.
And its wierd becuz nobody is calling the stopservice method so ideally
the boolean shud not get set to false again,until this method is

And this only means that the global code is being called agian meaning
the webservice is reloaded agian.why?

I don't understand....

Also can someone give me some tutorials links to IIS 6.0 windows 2003
I just read that IIS 6.0 does'nt have aspnet_wp.exe instead it has
w3wp.exe(something like that)....

Plz help me out....(and bear with my lack of knowledge on this


Zhou Peng

This is a setting for IIS6.0 to run as IIS5.0 isolation mode.
If you set you IIS to that mode, I think it will work.
Hope this helps.

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