Windows 2000 Start Up problem



In Windows 2000 I have Windows Explorer in my Start Up
menu. When I log on, Windows Explorer starts up as well
as another directory on my C:. I removed all the items
in my Start Up directory, logged off and logged back in
and the only thing that started up was that same
directory. I am not sure where else it is pulling the
info from other then C:\Documents and
Settings\username\Start Menu\Programs\Startup. Can
anyone help?

Thank you,


just a thought: did you checjk the boot sequence specified
in your bios. perhap your bios is calling for the system
to boot to that directory or drive before it get to the
correct one. probably not, just a thought


I did check and there is nothing in the BIOS that would
be causing the problem. Is there a registry setting that
keeps track of the Start Up directory that could be
causing a problem?

Thank you,

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