windows 2000 keeps rebooting



Help!! Why does Win 2000 Pro keep rebooting after I select
shutdown computer..and no it isn't set to reboot. I know
in Win 98 there is a box to check marked "disable fast
shutdown". Is there such a thing in 2000? If so how the
heck do I find it?

Daniel Chang [MSFT]

See if there are any new bios updates for your motherboard. Also, see if
there are any updates to your drivers.
Daniel Chang
Server Setup Team

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: Help!! Why does Win 2000 Pro keep rebooting after I select
: shutdown computer..and no it isn't set to reboot. I know
: in Win 98 there is a box to check marked "disable fast
: shutdown". Is there such a thing in 2000? If so how the
: heck do I find it?

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