Windows 2000 Installation



I have a question.

First off, I have the Windows 2000 Installation CD-ROM

I tried doing a clean install but it wont work. The
problem with my computer is that it has Windows 98 on it
now, and the only way to get to the desktop, is to use
Safe Mode. This is preventing me from doing a clean
install over the Windows 98 currently on there. I tried
booting the disk, but I don't think that the CD-ROM drive
is auto-run...

So I wanted to know if there was a way to clean install
Windows 2000 if i cant get to the desktop without Safe

Also, how would I go about doing a clean install on a new,
unused, clean hard drive???


Bruce Chambers

Greetings --

Simply boot from the Win2K installation CD. You'll be offered the
opportunity to delete, create, and/or format the system partition as
part of the installation process. (You may need to re-arrange the
order of boot devices in the PC's BIOS to boot from the CD.)

Bruce Chambers

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John Thomas Smith

I tried booting the disk, but I don't think that the CD-ROM
drive is auto-run...

Autorun is a function of Windows, not the drive itself

To boot from a CD you must set the boot order in the BIOS

Your BIOS "should" have a screen where you may tell the computer
to boot in a particular order of devices... that is where you
tell the computer to... for instance...
1 - boot from floppy
2 - boot from atapi device (cd)
3 - boot from hard disk

John Thomas Smith

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