Window XP file transfer wizard problems



Can anyone suggest help for a collegue of mine with the following problem?

I was helping a friend with her computer problem. She is using XP Pro.
Before doing anything I used XP's file & settings transfer wizard to store
over a gig of data on a second partion D: on her hard disk. I fdisked and
reformatted drive C: and reinstalled WinXP. Then using the transfer wizard
restore for new computer I pointed at where I had stored the prievious data.
Guess what??? It says there is no stored data there. !! I can see over a gig
as a .dat file so what can I do?? If anyone knows how to uncompress this dat
file created by the transfer wizard and get access to the files please help
as there are over 3 years of irreplacable photos within it. Did someone say
backup?? gulp! I thought that by using the wizard it was backing up... just
can't access it now! I really need help with this. Thanks to you all. Chris

Mick C


When you choose which folder to look in, within the wizard, try choosing the
one that contains the "USMT2.UNC" folder (or similarly named) . ie the the
folder just above it in the folder hierachy. If you choose a folder even
higher in the folder hierachy, for example, it won't find the .dat file.



Thanks Jon - I have passed that on -= If I get a response - from Chris _ ill
report back the outcome

thanks again for your response.

Mick C


You're welcome. Yes always good to have a report back to know if things
worked, or what the solution proved to be. Also people can suggest other
options, if not.



mix` said:
Can anyone suggest help for a collegue of mine with the following

I was helping a friend with her computer problem. She is using XP
Before doing anything I used XP's file & settings transfer wizard to
over a gig of data on a second partion D: on her hard disk. I fdisked
reformatted drive C: and reinstalled WinXP. Then using the transfer
restore for new computer I pointed at where I had stored the
prievious data.
Guess what??? It says there is no stored data there. !! I can see
over a gig
as a .dat file so what can I do?? If anyone knows how to uncompress
this dat
file created by the transfer wizard and get access to the files
please help
as there are over 3 years of irreplacable photos within it. Did
someone say
backup?? gulp! I thought that by using the wizard it was backing
up... just
can't access it now! I really need help with this. Thanks to you all.

Mick C *

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