Window Will Not Return to Previous Postion and Size



When I open up a window after a reboot it has to be repositioned
and resized. When I close the window while holding down the shift or control
key, it does reopen in the last position and size but not after I reboot.

If more information is needed to respond, I'll be happy to provide it.

If any body knows how to fix this or even has an idea I will appreciate it.


Bob B

R. McCarty

Which Window ? Some programs, like Microsoft AntiSpyware will
always open in a fixed position/size. Otherwise, you may be dealing
with an issue with BagMRU size. On XP (Gold/SP1) Xp will only
remember 400 individual Windows. XP SP2 remembers 5000. You
may need to raise the limitation to an even higher number.


Thanks for the response.

It happens on almost all windows: not Quicken but all Windows Explorer
windows and most other Windows.

I'm running XP Pro with SP2. I can't imagine I've opened 5,000 or more
individual program windows.

Thanks again...keep the ideas coming.

Bob B

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