Window becomes inactive when working in it



I've got windows XP SP2 and I ahve this problem. When I open a window or an
e mail and I'm tyoing whatever inside the window after typing a few
characters or 100 characters the window becomes inactive and the cursor is
somewhere else. It's like someone just moved my mouse to another part of my
screen and clicked while I'm trying to type. It's very annoying to say the
least. Prior to that the 10 key number pad on my keyboard stopped working
and has since returned to it's functionality after doing a restore using
Symantec's go back feature on the systemworks 2005. Windows system restore
has never worked so I've always used this Norton version. Everything seems
to point to reinstalling the operating syatem but I'd rather try something
else. Does anyone have any ideas or a similar problem?

Neal Ferrier

I assume that you have run anti virus scans with Norton. If you have not
tried that. But also try running another virus scan like online at and just select
what country you are from and click go. You will have to download a bunch of
stuff for the online scanner to work just virus definitions like but still
dont do that if you don't want to. speaking of virus definitions do you have
the latest updates for norton? if you decide to do the online virus scan
make sure norton anti virus is switched off. Only reason iam asking you to
do this is because symantic products aren't exactly popular with me because
i think they are crap well only on the anti virus side of things. wouldn't
hurt to do a few anti-spyware checks also. Favourites among the internet are
spybot and ad-aware both can be downloaded at if you know
all this crap already and have already performed all of these things then th
only other thing i can think of is windows update, might do the trick or
even then updating to SP3 or 4. However it might help if you could remember
the day it all started? might have been something you downloaded, a time
when your computer crashed, a new piece of software you installed etc. might
be some annoying piece of spyware that is hogging all your virtual memory
after a certain amount of activity. anyways all i can think of. Post back
with your findings.


Thanks Neal, I haven't tried the site you mentioned yet but have done
everything else. I'n starting to agree wiht you about Norton as I think it's
created other issues for me to resolve as well.. I'll try your suggestion
and see what happens. I think it all started soon after installing office
2000. I may uninstall and reinstall that. Other things that happen on my
keyboard lead me to other areas that may be having problems. I noticed that
my 10 key number pad started working again but the delete key on the pad
won't work. Trials and tribulations. Appreciate the info and if anyone else
has a suggestion please jump right in...Thanks all.

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