Win32 error message



I have been getting an error message that says Generic
Host Process for Win32 Services has encountered a problem
and needs to close. I have called AOL, they told me to
uninstall 9.0, but when I installed 8.0 Plus, the error
message was still there. I have problems getting to pages
on the web, none in particular, mostly all of them. I
restart, and I can once again surf. But still get error
message. My Internet Explorer is fine and all my hardware
is ok as well. I thought it may be a problem with
Windows. Can any one tell me what I can do with this

Michael Platts [MSFT]


I found an article that discusses a similar situation (but indicates the
cause as an older HP printer or scanner driver - not sure if this will
apply in your situation or not):

821690 Generic Host Process Error Message and a Flashlight Icon Appear

Best regards,
Michael Platts, MCSE
Microsoft Product Support

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