win2k update changed my settings !!!!!



Went through about 20 updates and critical patches, they
installed fine but when I rebootted all my icons were
shrunk down, my programs open w/tiny fonts even my games
have new (worse!) video settings. Is there a simple way
to put everything back the way it was but still keep the
Microsoft updates. I was so happy before I updated :-(

Bob I

Not positive what happened, but the most likely thing is that one of the
"things" you installed a different video card driver. I would guess that
reinstalling the "old" video driver that came with your PC would put
things back.


Ever since I did a system update on w2k pro last week,
it not only keeps changing my home page, but sites I used
to be able to access now bring up the "The page cannot be
displayed -
The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The
Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties, or
you may need to adjust your browser settings" screen,
shortly after the site I'm accessing comes online.
Anybody else having this problem, and if so, how did you
fix it?

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