Win2k install, not enough disk space



I believe my system was hacked. I couldn't get windows to
reboot after coming home from the weekend (system was
running) To check the drive I put it into another computer
and slaved it. All files are there EXCEPT the windows
folder. So I figured I could just reinstall Windows. But
everytime I start the install it tells me the hd doesn't
have enough disk space. The hd is a 30 gig and has 15 gig
free. Any ideas why I keep gettin this error? I've
searched all over trying to find the answer.


JK said:
I believe my system was hacked. I couldn't get windows to
reboot after coming home from the weekend (system was
running) To check the drive I put it into another computer
and slaved it. All files are there EXCEPT the windows
folder. So I figured I could just reinstall Windows. But
everytime I start the install it tells me the hd doesn't
have enough disk space. The hd is a 30 gig and has 15 gig
free. Any ideas why I keep gettin this error? I've
searched all over trying to find the answer.

run chkdsk /f on that drive

Kenneth Engelhardt

Hi Jk,

It is possible that the file system for whatever reason could be reporting
free disk space improperly.
We should try and run ( chkdsk drive /p /r ) on this drive from another
computer or from this computer with Windows 2000 Recover Console.

This will helps us understand the state of the file system on this hard
Option 1
If you can lets run the Recovery Console from the Windows 2000 CD on the
Computer and Drive in Question.
Once you are in the Recovery Console at the command prompt type:
chkdsk drive /p /r
and press enter

Please make note of the results. If Chkdsk says it fixes problems.
Attempt to boot the computer off of the hard drive without the Windows 2000

In case you are not familiar with the Recovery Console here are some
Microsoft Knowledge Base Articles that cover the subject.

Description of the Windows 2000 Recovery Console;en-us;229716

How To Install and Use the Recovery Console in Windows 2000;en-us;318752#5
Option 2
Place the hard drive in the second computer that you mentioned as a slave.
Click >start>run> Type in CMD and click ok.
From the command prompt Type:
chkdsk drive /p /r
and press enter

Please make note of the results. If Chkdsk says it fixes problems.

Take the drive out of the second computer and place it in the original
Attempt to boot the computer off of the hard drive.

If booting the computer off of the hard drive fails attempt to repair the
installation and or reinstall.

Also you may want to try an In Place Upgrade per Microsoft Knowledge Base
Article KB292175;en-us;292175

If the above steps do not produce any good results.
I would recommend backing up any information that is on this drive.
You may be able to do this to the other computer if you have enough disk
Then I would re-partion and format this drive during Windows 2000 Setup and
start out fresh on this computer.

Kenneth C. Engelhardt
Microsoft Online Support Engineer
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