win2000 professional



Everytime I try to install a program to the computer it
tells me that I don't have the administrative previlege
to do that, how can I find out the password administrator
or qet the privilege I need to install what I want
without replacing the opperating system in my computer?
please help!!!!!!

Jerold Schulman

Everytime I try to install a program to the computer it
tells me that I don't have the administrative previlege
to do that, how can I find out the password administrator
or qet the privilege I need to install what I want
without replacing the opperating system in my computer?
please help!!!!!!

I am assuming you are NOT in a domain.

Use tip 1984 in the 'Tips & Tricks' at to reset the
Administrator password.

Logon as Administrator.
Open a CMD.exe prompt.

net localgroup administrator YourSignon /add
and press Enter.
Logoff and log on as YourSignon

Jerold Schulman
Windows: General MVP
JSI, Inc.

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